Here's your UI bro

Here's your UI bro

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looks like a mobile game

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Imagine what type of cuck actually plays the beta.
Ugly as shit, shallowest gamesplay, only on lagstation and still the old delay netcode.
If you are not a content creator then why torture yourself with this shit?

looks like absolute shit lmao, they just dont get it. is there something wrong going on at arcsys? the lobby avatar system is also completely ruined too it seems. who is advising them to do this?

It's the same dudes working on this right? why not just dirty it up and change the theming

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lmao are you fucking serious with this shit

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>avatar in the hud
>but it is completely useless because it doesn't display the palette like skullgirls does

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Fighting game devs love to see what aspect of their game they can aggressively fuck up immensely

Didn't they say the first demo's UI was placeholder? I figured that meant the final one was going to be completely different. I'm glad that they're using Rollback and the gameplay itself seems fine based on what I know, but man nothing about this UI design says "Guilty Gear" to me.

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>they'll make drastic changes to it after the beta
Sure they will

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Everything about this game looks like shit.

Why even make this? Who asked for this game? And why make it on current gen when the next gen is months away?

For a UI that's not entirely unreasonable when they say it's a place holder. A graphic Designer could make a new one in a week. The fact that you would try to pretend it's the same as when people expect entire models or lighting engines to be changed before a game comes out shows how devoid of human thought you are.

Next gen is confirmed to have backwards compatibility. Also I wouldnt say it's only months away with the pandemic still in full effect. Expect delays well into early Spring of next year.

What a fucking joke this game is.

>Next gen is confirmed to have backwards compatibility. A
Only games from the top 100 pos4 will be considered for pos5. SeX has full backwards compatibility with XB1.

GG was never good.

If it’s so easy why haven’t they fixed it? Majority of complaints were the UI and HUD and here we are months later with it still looking like absolute garbage.

Play Undernight

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You're so fucking stupid it's not even funny. You actually believe the reason they aren't changing it is because it's just impossible to find some who can make a 2D UI with MONTHS of time and not because it's a stylistic choice they obviously think looks good? I am frequently astounded at how unintelligent people on here can be. Like user it doesn't matter what you or I or a bunch of fags on twitter say if they are going for that minimalist style (and given that every menu and UI is designed with the same style) they are going for for that style. Like holy shit dude, do you think God of War 3 had a similarly ugly minimalist menu because it was just impossible to find an artist who could do anything else? People just have bad taste sometimes.

MvCI never fixed anything and a lot of people said this exact thing. Don't defend it until its changed and make 0 assumptions otherwise.

I never said otherwise you dumbass. I said if a developer says a UI, (specifically and only a UI since I guess that was somehow confusing to you) if a placeholder then yes the final product ver well may look completely different because if it's a place holder everything is going to be redrawn. That doesn't mean it will look better. It doesn't mean there will be massive it changes. There just could be especially when compared to doing something like changing models or lighting or even textures all of which take MUCH more time. That was the only point I was making because the 2nd retard I was responding to make a similarly stupid comment as if a place holder UI is the same thing as 3D models that were shown and never stated to be place holder. He then continued to show how stupid he was by making a comment that it they would "fix" it if they could not understanding you cannot "fix" bad taste. Comparing a place holder UI to MvCI, a game where literally everything looked hideous and nothing was stated to be placeholers, is asinine.

I meant the UI in mvci in particular, which many people said was placeholder and not going to be the way it looks in the final release and nothing changed. Yes they have bad taste but the ui has been cited with reasons to be horrible, the same way the delay netcode was. At this moment they SHOULD realize their vision for the style of the ui is shit and should take the feedback given to make something better. But just because they should doesn't mean they will or even agree with the criticism or have even seen it.

This. They’re going with this shitty UI as the final product and anyone saying otherwise are delusional. They won’t change it.

>Models & animations are fucking beautiful, a game has never looked as good in a stylized sense as StrIVe
>ArcSys finally decided to move to rollback
>Gameplay is looking solid despite some changes from Xrd's format
>UI & lobby system, things you're going to be looking at all the time, are unbelievably ugly
Never seen a monkey paw effect this petty that it doesn't ruin the game but makes it just a bit of an eyesore.

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they said the beta one is the "new n improved ui! excited for you to see it!"

so yea this trash is staying unless people get mad

I like it. It's inconspicuous yet effective.
You can appreciate more the visual work on characters/background.

The portrait + burst rectangle moving with the health level is terrible even from a gameplay perspective because your Burst gauge is going to move from its initial spot as the match progresses. The Tension gauge is also a little too basic, although it changing colors when it's full is good so you can tell when it's maxed.

I think the font on the Counter & combo count as well as the time clock look good though.

Garbage. Don't just put colored bars up there. Learn from SC6.

Just look at this BEAUT. I wanna suck on her her bars.

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How in the fuck do you from this to this

>he posts outdated UI from pre-release
I'm an idiot.

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