New to resident evil where should i start

new to resident evil where should i start

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How about the FIRST GAME? Duh??

REmake, RE0, Re2, Re3, CVX, Re4, Re5, Re7, RE2make

RE1 if you're an OCD autist
REmake1 if you're a patrician
REmake2 if you're a zoomer
RE4 if you're a normalfag

1. Resident Evil (Nintendo DS port, or the normal "Director's Cut" on PS1 or PC).
2. Resident Evil 2 (GC, DC, PC or PS1)
3. Resident Evil 3 (GC, DC, PC, PS1)
4. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (GC, PS2, PS3 PSN)
5. Resident Evil: REmake (GC, PC, PS3/4)
6. Resident Evil Zero (GC, PC, PS3/4)
7. Resident Evil 4 (GC / Wii, or Ultimate HD on PC)
8. Resident Evil 5 Gold (PC, PS3/4)

Stop there, and move on to Silent Hill.

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REmake, RE4, RE2, RE3, RE5, RE7, REmake 2, REmake 3

After that you can play any of the other games but I don't really recommend them.


OP, play REmake 2, REmake 3, and RE 7
The rest is garbage

First game. The 1996 original.
Start with Jill Valentine.
Play on Normal difficulty (=Mountain Climbing in the Remake HD port).

Re1make but it's not that much like the other ones
Re2make is the best one, Re3make is good but not worth it's current price, then 4, skip 5 if you've got no friends to play with, skip 6, play 7

Fuck boomers and fuck fixed camera
Glad my boy Ethan is coming back to make Yas Forums seethe harder

Kill yourself, FortNite homo.

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>Re2make is the best one,
Imagine believing this shit. Holy shit you zoomes need to neck yourself and stop ruining the series.
Capcom has not made a good RE-game since 2005.

preferably RE1 because RE1 Remake tries to fuck with your memory of the original game
otherwise REmake 1
RE2 ps1
RE3 ps1
RE4 however you want
RE5 if you can get someone for co-op
then the rest is up to your discretion
7 is good, both Revelations games are good (though 2 also benefits heavily from co-op), play 6 if you absolutely feel like you must but it's terrible
then circle back to RE2make and RE3make

The first game? What kind of question is this?
Skip the 2010s ""remakes"".

>6 is bad
>but DEmake2 & 3 are totally great! :^)
subtle. Very subtle.

But seriously if you can withstand the horrible fixed camera this Otherwise get some basic lore about 1 and play Remake 2, Remake 3, 4 and 7.
You really don't need any other lore than the Arkley mansion incident

The De-make 2 and 3 do not belong in the same universe any more. They are literally soft reboots, and pure garbage. Might just as well go play Uncharted or something instead.

what would you do with a zombie claire?

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what are you talking about?

there's a reason I put them way after the PS1 games son

>RE2 ps1
>RE3 ps1
Nope. Dolphin is the best way to experience them now

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I'm failing to understand how any of those three games are in any way related to fortnite

re4+5 still the best 2

he didn't play the game and hates the new thing

That the 2019 DEmake2 and the 2020's DEmake3 do not belong in the same timeline and universe as the classic Resident Evil games. They are their totally own games. Period.

Using these awful butcherings as the replacement for the classic trilogy would be extremely idiotic.

The nu-REs are literally made for the ForkKnife shooter audiecnes.

I got 18 hours on DEmake2 alone. Cope harder, lncel.

1, 4 or 7

Nah,(You) just haven't played the old games because (You) hate anything old.

start at re2make, if you like it play the other OTS games. If you like the style of REmake, play the fixed camera ones.

I have beaten 1, 2 and REmake and enjoyed them.
you absolute fucking spastic

play the first one
if you think it's shit, it's shit. it doesn't get better from here. jump to RE5

if you like it, then enjoy the rest of the series.

REmake 2
REmake 3

fuck the rest

Resident Evil 1.
Play in the release order.
Ignore everything released after 4.

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Unironically this, but also re5 if you' want to try one of the retro titles.

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I want to play these but the music bugs out the moment there are other sound effects going on in a room, FUCK

Play the gameboy ones. If you don't, you will forever be a pussy.

download the build on the site

just one question, how old are you? my assistance depends on your answer

It's an issue with modern builds of Dolphin as far as I remember. Use the one they give you on the RE2/3HD site

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thanks user, downloading right now

Just wait for Rem4ke

OP here, I'm 14yo, why do you ask tho?

>what would you do with a zombie claire?
what would you do with a zombie claire?
what would you do with a zombie claire?
Early in the morning!

Looks fucking great

0, 5, 6 are all console tier trash. Play 2 4 and 1

Did the franchise peak at 4? It's so much fun to play, movement and combat still feels satisfying today.