These are the 9 most influential vidya characters of all time

Remove erdrick and simon

X Yuna > X-2 Yuna

Haha no

>Samus over Lara Croft Or Chun-Li

Nintendo babies are fucking delusional. Fucking Aeris is 1000x more iconic than Shitmus

Lara couldn't have happened without Samus though. Samus really did break ground for what a female protagonist could be, mostly because you were convinced she was male for 99% of the game
Chun-Li was revolutionary too but only because she had 7 other dudes alongside her to pick from

>no dark souls guy
>instead some literally who nu mmale with glasses
>some puppet thing from Kirby

>Dark souls

>Lara couldn't have happened without Samus

Attached: 0065853.jpg (540x720, 32.94K)

>blocks your path

Attached: RaboC.png (540x180, 2.88K)

>zoomer doesn't even know the history behind Lara