>battle.net launcher
>bethesda launcher
>epic games launcher
>rockstar launcher
seriously what the fuck. just let me play the fucking game instead of forcing me to download all this malware that slows my computer down
>battle.net launcher
>bethesda launcher
>epic games launcher
>rockstar launcher
seriously what the fuck. just let me play the fucking game instead of forcing me to download all this malware that slows my computer down
Not to mention it's so much more expensive it's basically a scam
>slows my computer down
are u literally my mom
>using more than steam
retarded frog faggot
you faggots got it wrong
heheh le frog is sad
>not just disabling them all at startup
bye, underage
every fucking time i need to boot my PC it takes half an hour because its trying to open all these launchers at once. And yes I am disabling start up, but for some reason it gets overridden and they all open on startup anyway.
imagine being so dumb you don't know how to use a computer
Why did you make a thread to demonstrate your ineptitude?
is it that much more expensive though? I need my PC to also do other things. Don't you need a PC?
how many fucking games do you play at a time jesus christ.
>being a PC gamer
>not pirating all your shit like a true alpha chad
Nigga, you are clinically retarded.
>able to customize and build a PC that fits your budget and needs
If anything consoles are a scam.
What's even worse is that if you aren't some little zoomer shit you can remember a time where you could fucking buy PC games in a store and install them from the disc without needing some crap launcher.
I don't blame you PC people for now pirating everything. Every single company wants their own walled garden and make a storefront for it.
it's trash. I prefer physical but once that goes away I will switch to PC and never buy a game.
> And yes I am disabling start up, but for some reason it gets overridden
No, that means you didn't disable it. They don't just magically get overridden.
you could spend thousands on latest tech
or spend about £1000 on a computer that will play anything maxed out at the very least at 60fps at 1080p and its also your computer to do your work on, browse etc.
In fact you'd be doing yourself a disservice with a 60hz 1080p, you might as well get at least a 1440p with a computer like that.
>Build a PC for the same price as a console
>2 years later the PC already struggles to run new games so you have to upgrade it with a new shiny GPU that's worth as much as a console
>In the end you need to do this process 3-4 times per console generation
How is thsi not a scam?
>launcher downloads another launcher and you need both open to play the game
>Build a PC for the same price as a console
What's the problem here?
If you build a PC for the price of a console you should expect console performance.
If you bother to spend 300 bucks more on PC at the start of a gen it should last you for that entire generation.
>Buying AAA games
Its like you hate yourself.
and you think the console just magically changes hardware?
Are you 50?
My point is that a console will last you ~6 years while a PC will have a shit performance after 2 years unless you keep pumping money into it
Works on my machine
>My point is that a console will last you ~6 years while a PC will have a shit performance after 2 years unless you keep pumping money into it
No it won't.
if you make a shit PC sure.
If you do some research and buy future proof specs your PC will last 10 years or when a component fails.
You can lower settings you know unless you absolutely NEED muh ultra settings
brainlet detected, you probably don't even have an SSD
My PC has been going almost 7 years and the only change I've made is an SSD, it's still outperforms consoles easily including the pro variants.
>No it won't.
See RDR2 and MHW:I, those games alone forced people to buy new hardware while a console runs these games just fine
OR you can just use steam, buy some games super-cheap, and pirate everything else
>buy bottom of the barrel-tier hardware
>why can't I max out my GFX on ultra at 1080p/60fps?
>>In the end you need to do this process 3-4 times per console generation
What's the point of lying like this?
werks on my machine
I did have one, then it bricked within a week. never again.
>a console runs these games just fine
how does it feel to be mentally retarded?
>They don't just magically get overridden.
they probably do on win10 if you have windows updates on auto
PS4 Pro can run RDR2 at 4k, I doubt a $400 PC can do the same
T. faggot who spent the price of 1 console or more just to run the game
>PS4 Pro can run RDR2 at 4k
good joke
>checkerboarded pseudo-4K at 20 fps
Just fuck my shit up famalam
>he doesnt know the truth of """"""""4k""""""""
Still better than ass PSN download speeds lol
When the fuck is this going to end you fucking PCshits??
>Nononono, you bought it on Steam but you gotta signup and download it on my platform.
>Nononono, you bought it on Steam but you gotta signup and download it on my platform.
>Nononono, you bought it on Steam but you gotta signup and download it on my platform.
>Nononono, you bought it on Steam but you gotta signup and download it on my platform.
>battle.net launcher
>bethesda launcher
>epic games launcher
>rockstar launcher
only mentally ill trannies are using these spyware/bloatware services
when you stop buying AAA garbage
RDR2 runs like glitchy ass on PC
take your meds
Why do games keep needing more and more advanced hardware to run? Graphics were fine in 2007.