600 dollars used

>600 dollars used
>400 dollar MSRP but sold out for weeks and will be sold out for weeks
I just want to spend my stimulus money on a comfy VR headset to play comfy games on and connect to my PC for porn games
WMR headsets are also like 400 bucks now because people bought them up for HL:A. The original Rift is in stock for 300 but it sucks.

Attached: mz-final-exports-016.jpg (1920x1080, 153.31K)

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the problem with wmr headsets is that they're discontinued, so they're not even making new ones until the next generation comes out.

the HP Reverb is the only one i can find in stock and it's expensive as fuck because of the high-res screen and basically no screen door effect.

Just use the government funbux for an index instead.

>oculus quest
don't fall for that, every video i see of it playing PC titles either by USB or wireless it always suffers from gigantic lag spikes.

Yeah of course
HP is the only that hasn't bailed on it and they're aiming at the high end market, total waste when the Index is around. Need more cheap headsets, that markets untapped as fuck. Hit a 200 dollar pricepoint, inside out tracking, better controllers, boom.
Nah I got other shit to spend most of it on anyways. I want the Quest not just for the ability to link to a PC but also for all the standalone stuff, it's got a fuckhuge amount of that. And that means I can bring it somewhere overnight without dragging my PC along for porn vids and some beat saber or whatever.
I tried one 2 months ago and it worked fine. It was with the official cable though so I dunno if that changes anything.

Agreed OP I wanted one too but the price hike is redicoulus.


Attached: 1575383911883.png (1058x322, 46.91K)

not even real VR. The fuck are you doing

Your little epiphany isn't anything new, you know.

It's 6dof and has plenty of the same PC titles that run just as well but scaled back graphically.
It's like looking at a gameboy in 1989 and saying "wtf that's not even a real videogame system"
It's portable, you accept the downgrade for convenience and all that. And you can hook it to a PC for PCVR anyways.