Twitch cancel culture

This nigger creating bot to automatically ban you from all listed streamers chats even if you are 'toxic' only in one. List already have 11 top 1% streamers. Will they succeed in enforcing pc culture or damage view count of those streamers?

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Can you try saying that again, but in English? Thanks.

>twitch drama
Fuck off.

who gives a fuck anyway, who even watches streamers?

basically "niggers tongue my anus" and "I'm a tremendous faggot, please rape my face"

If you ask me, OP is being too greedy

Just dont type "nigger" on twitch?

>shitskin loves being a commie drone for free
that's why the commies do so love shitskins

Why can't zoomers handle banter?

You can get perma banned for calling streamer '3k Andy'.
Twitch is even worse than youtube.

lel get rekt polcucks

So don’t type in the chat you little faggot, nobody gives a fuck what anybody says in there anyway


shut up, idiot

>Writes about twitch streamer >not even a game related drama
Go fuck your self

Good, too bad you pieces of shit aren't banned from here too.

t. got banned for saying the N-word in his chat

be smarter you retard. there is nothing that infuriates them more than people being ""toxic"" using dialogue that is not bannable.

Nick's just trying to protect his mates, I don't see what's wrong with that.

What's your twitch anyway?

I'm banned in asmonfaggots chat. Better not get me banned in others. I never type but now they've implemented this thing where if you're banned you can't even read chat. The only fun part about twitch is watching chat shit on these faggots.

Why would you care? Why would you want to be part of such shit?

I do not care at all holy shit

>Watching e-celeb streams
>Not knowing you can just make another account

i accidentally called someone a footfag in twitch chat by reflex but nobody noticed
i'm pretty much a badass

>The only fun part about twitch is watching chat shit on these faggots.
Stay there and never come back

well exploit it and get it to autoban everyone nigga i play video games not watch them

Just watch Jerma, problems solved.

This guy's name is Nick, and all he has ever done in his life is race bait on his white friend's stream while dating a ghetto white girl. Twitch is for disgusting vermin.

>all these fags hating on twitch
Damn, it's really obvious who only has one monitor, isn't it?

Just make a new account, how is this worrying anyone at all?

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twitch just wants to become cable television. a few large streamers dominating the platform with a few smaller niche streamers



Ah nevermind I get it, it's a slighted simp that made this post, hey faggot influencers arent your friends

finally everyone will stop spamming BrainSlug and we can all go back to FrankerZ

What? That's his name.
I just wanted to chat with you how bullshit it all is, but okay...

twitch now shadowbans new accounts. may aswell open twitch in a private tab if you want to see the chat

stopped reading there

>have second monitor
>be too retarded to actually pirate one of the millions of hours of entertainment
>watch some failed normalfag fail at humor instead
I want you to kill yourself

I didn’t ask


Fucking nigger

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They IP ban you now. Your only option is vpn.

>tfw getting permabanned from a channel I watch all the time
>thought I would care
>I dont

they should call them noomers, like the meme
that would be pretty based

You just know

>how dare you be uninterested in something that doesn't even deserve your full attention
You're a retard

If you told me Yas Forums was a blackflag operation to promote SJWs i would belive you. You people have the fucking worst sense of outreach and PR possible. SJWs keep winning and you retards never change your behavior.

Calling someone a "nigger" as you try to promote your views is not gonna lead to people outside your niche box to wanna agree with you. You are just helping SJWs in the long run. Im not surprised given that Yas Forums help create the current SJW movement when they keep bulllying Sarkessian with their epic "pranks" not realizing she keep looking bettter and better in the maisntream.

why do you have a twitch account anyway
you dont need an account to watch the streams
>b-b-b-but i need to say POGGERS along with the 20000 other viewers maybe the streamer will notice me!

Sorry, when the fuck did I ask? I just said I dont care about streamers and in your fucking monkey skull, you thought, oh better tell him this retards backstory. Fucking kill yourself faggot, and of course it is about a fucking retarded American too

Twitch is where the mutts congregate to waste as much human hours as possible.

Enjoy getting added to the list.

all me


And nothing of value was lost

what about resetting your router

That was always the goal. Anyway streaming and lets plays should br illegal, its almost the same as showing a movie.

And what you’re doing is a good way to spend time?

i heard there doing shadow bans now but if your the type of person that watches twitch outside of tournies and events your a retard those "top" streamers are garbage

kill yourself, you're the only nigger around here

damn OP were you a tier 3 sub? and nick banned you

fucking people are weird. theres more to life than twitch

You fucking retard. Go back to /g/

>People keep saying you get shadowbanned now on new accounts
>Can see my messages in chat on separate network just fine
>Now this shit
Nice fearmongering retard

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>shadow bans
The fuck does that mean?

your fault for watching normie faggot streamers and women

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you get banned, but you dont know it. no one sees your messages, etc. it's really insidious

google twitter shadowban

not banned, never donated, never subbed


Woah who fucking cares? most top streamers are complete aids only watchable if I'm trying to git gud.

Best fucking stream experience I had was watching some fag play Dark Souls for the first time in his life with other 20-30 guys over a week.

She started the SJW movement in games and helped it become mainstream. She is no longer big in SJW circles but back in the day she helped form the SJW and help it become as big as it is today. She was a nobody until Yas Forums started bullying her when she was doing funding for a feminist videogame review series, and she was able to gain sympathy in the mainstream because of it. Essentially SJW are in a way Yas Forums's Frankenstein Monster.

its an old banning technique thats making a comeback where websites will make it seem like comments you posted were put up but nothing you type actually can be seen so your essentially talking to yourself and its by IP range

Banned but it doesn't tell let you know. People just won't see your messages.

Can you post proof that he is doing this

holy newfag, also, nice spoonfeeding

but she's back to being a nobody again. SJW fame is short lived

Fucking no, I'm not a retard

>tfw aris headshotted me

He said it twice already go ask him if you are that interested

Here is a crazy idea.. dont fucking engage with retarded people on Twitch? You dont have to type anything in chats to watch a stream.

Is that even legal? Like sure they could ban you for whatever due to retarded tos but aren't you supposed to be notified of that regardless?

the funny thing is that these guys play online games and keep getting banned from them for being insufferable with their teammates, and then they come here to complain. like yeah after having about a billion of my games get ruined by some 15 year old edgelord teammate who keeps pissing the rest of my team off, causing them to throw, i'm not really going to take your side and defend your freeze peach. none of the people who want to call people faggots online have anything valuable to say, nor do they want to help their teams to win. they just want to take a children's game and make it their personal podium for broadcasting their edgy retardation to everyone else's dismay while everyone else wants to relax and play the game. fuck em

So to understand this- OP is mad that he can't go into Twitch chat and call people racial slurs without consequence. Fuck off you retard, why would you even willingly post in Twitch chat?

All twitch staff deserve death.
All streamers are cancer.
All twitch chatters are aids.
Fuck off and die.

Shit like that really pissing me off. It's like talking to yourself in sense.

it's their website

dont you know bro??? private businesses they can do whatever they want (even if they have a monopoly, dont pay taxes and have shady business practices) :) i love being a corporatist bootlicker

If he's is doing it, he's a total piece of shit. I never liked him anyway. But this is just disgusting.

It doesn't matter that she is small, what matters are that her feminist views more than thrive. Even after Sarkessian 15 minute ls were over the SJWs she help create only keep getting more and more powerful.

I agree with everything you said except the Sarkessian stuff. She's bankrupt and irrelevant now.

Id imagine the quality of Yas Forums posts would increase if we banned everyone who has had offences before.

you literally already get autoperma'd if you type nigger or whatnot
this is one step beyond that and is used to target memes, you fucking retard

sjw views propagate not because of sjw stars like sarkeesian but because of all the hidden sleazy university lecturers, oligarchs funding it to protect themselves and spineless politicians that try to get get elected

I got banned from a gears 4 stream once, because I said the streamer was shit and that he was a beggar (he was). It was begging like I've never seen. Every 30 seconds asking twitch to open their wallets for 'zorboros butt implants' or something retarded/some inside joke with his mods. He banned me, and then renamed his stream 'Handpump is a chump' in reference to my name handonthepump. Was a pretty good day all in all.

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>create 10 accounts with different names
>preemptively follow all streamers in preparation
>congratulations you now get to fuck up ten more times with like 10 min of effort

>Big streams
>Its just people repeating whatever streamer say like a chimp.

>Small stream
>People engage and have a good time as a community.

Take the small streamer pill anons, trust me.

good, memes are shit


absolutely not
gatekeeping is literally the only thing that keep communities alive

Duuude. Youtube livestream chat and comments have this for years.