How has your Animal Crossing town been coming along so far? Got the villagers you wanted?

How has your Animal Crossing town been coming along so far? Got the villagers you wanted?

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This website is 18+

Thanks for your input, John M.

Is the egg nigger gone yet?

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I have too many fucking cats and two lazy villagers is just too much.
But choosing between Punchy and Bob is pretty hard; which one do you guys think should go?

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pretty nice, finally got money for bridges and shit. Which bridge do you guys think goes better with the dirt path?


Whats wrong with two lazy villagers? I have Punchy and Wade. Wouldn't mind if Wade fucked off though.

Aiming for specific villagers is autism, just roll the dice.

My last plot got randomly sold to her before I could get enough nook tickets to find someone I wanted, I dunno how I feel about it yet

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