>/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General #3774
/ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General #3774
>/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #1362
>/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers General
>/lisg/ - Life Is Strange General #1024
These people are actual lunatics
What’s the stupidest videogame to have an obsessive fandom?
>Undertale General
any gacha
Imagine how much better Yas Forums would be if the mentally ill weren't allowed on the internet
Undertale I get to a degree, it had a sequel demo, lot of it were left unexplained and the characters really lend themselves to some fanfiction stuff, especially with the alternate universe thing being introduced. It could reasonably live on for a year or two on a trickle of content..
Fucking visual novels however are nothing but pure autism, not even waifufaggtory anymore, just drooling, raging, attention whoring autism
What is the most autistic and deranged general? It has to be /ksg/, /ddlc/, /lisg/ or /bowgen/. The people who browse these generals are literally insane.
i also think this site would be better if it didn't exist
dont visit /vrg/ if you value your sanity
I was on /utg/ for a long time and there was a guy who literally ate his dog’s shit pretending it was an Undertale character.
didn't they had to start the count over two or three times?
>/lolig/ - Lolicon General Marathon #167
sc2 general by far.
VN's and gacha, while they may be just barely vidya the same way northern cyprus is a country they somehow have the fucking worst fans.
you mean kpop general?
it was probably better than most undertale characters
>CVG corona virus general #3170
Why does /vg/ attract these severly mentally ill people? I can't think of any other board that reaches these levels of insanity, not even /jp/, Yas Forums or Yas Forums.
Obsessiveness for video game characters requires being mentally ill to some degree.
>/owg/ - Overwatch General
>/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General
>/hotsg/ - Heroes of the Storm General
>/sc2/ - Starcraft General
Can we kill blizzcucks already
>I can't think of any other board that reaches these levels of insanity
You're sheltered and naive.
Here's actual bad generals
these 3 are the apex of /vg/ autism
Because somebody has to keep bumping the thread all day to keep it from falling off the board and anybody who isn't a schizophrenic neet has better things to do and eventually you get the same 4/5 talking to each other all day and it turns into blogging/waifu dumps.
I thought it was called Lolithon 2020?
could always be worse
>Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1148
How even can you have 1000 general threads about that game?
Not even Smite has a general and it has a pretty big playerbase.
Don't lump VNs with gacha. VNs at least have stories and developments to be fans of.
Where my hentai games general chads at?
Check /pfg/ and /gsg/ for some shitty generals
/pfg/ at least has an excuse cause they have nothing to talk about
>/hpgg/ - Harry Potter Games General #653
the recent schizo influence on Yas Forums is getting worse
they clog up half the fucking catalog
Do they still believe in Qanon?
>still posting on Yas Forums
>in 2020
nigger what are you doing
smite general was killed and never recovered. they tried remaking it last year i think but it didn't last long.
wait did mods actually let /sc2/ come back? i wonder how long that'll last it.
>wait did mods actually let /sc2/ come back?
no thank god, just wish they'd give the other blizz generals the same treatment.
>they've lost count