
>"are you sure you want to quit the game? :((("

Attached: 1586368719165.jpg (750x750, 56.22K)

>game has no way of letting you get back to the main menu, you can only exit the entire game

why, Zeno Clash?

>Delete Save
>Are you sure you want to delete your game? Everything will be lost and all of the NPCs will be fucking dead

Attached: 1376022865657.jpg (166x231, 6.47K)

>accidentally hit Quit
>game immediately shuts off

Attached: BigBilly.jpg (554x641, 33.77K)

>the yes/no box also has a cancel button which just does the same thing as "no"

>game has no way of letting you quit while playing, you have to go through a bunch of menus and load screens to finally reach the main menu and only there can you leave

why, Ass Creed?

>accidentally hit quit
>life immediately shuts off

>Yes / No box appears
>select Yes
>I'm still in the game
>the question was "do you want to stay?"

Attached: bugs.jpg (1122x1080, 59.66K)

>game fucking makes you execute yourself to leave, complete with sound effects

Attached: MV5BMTJiZTg5ZDAtODE5Ny00ZWNiLTg0YTMtMzhiNjg1OWIxMDQ4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjU3MzI1NzI@._V1_.jpg (1786x2500, 1.75M)

>New Game
>Load Game

Attached: 1586577439981.gif (342x246, 2.41M)

>user pls come back to [MMO] your [npc/companion] misses you ;_;

Attached: 1577491546805.gif (430x318, 2.16M)

>are you sure?
>[yes] [no] [maybe]

Attached: 1513986251917.jpg (470x470, 53.57K)

>press esc at any point
>crash to desktop
working as intented I see

>main character executes the player when you leave the game

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 1.58M)

I wish my life had this feature

>classic box art has the bitch with a visibly hard nipple
>remake removes this

Behead all numales.

maybe they didn't notice?

>a yes or no question
>no idea which is highlighted because the UI sucks

>just got done installing the game
>launching it for the first time ever
>after a solid minute of intros get to main menu
>have to get through 20 slides of new features that the devs implemented throughout the lifespan of the game even though I never played it before

can you guess

>Yes / No color grading makes it unclear which one is selected

>Highlighted text is indicated with a color change
>Can't tell which one is selected when there are only 2 options on screen

How the fuck does this still happen.

are they like spoilers to a new player?

Nothing story related, just changes and additions to the gameplay.

you literally said the same thing as the guy you're replying to, dude

>Do you wish to abandon the world in its hour of need? Y/N

Attached: 1566877895977.png (281x355, 54.76K)

Too many to narrow down
>Buy "complete edition" of older game
>Start new game for first time ever, no idea about the world or anything in it
>Thanks for purchasing Mission Pack 1! You can access this new content in Harblheim!
>Thanks for purchasing companions DLC! You can add Faggawag to your party by visiting him in Schitzburg!
>Hey we're just gonna put like half a dozen quests in your list until you can access them in about 40 hours is that ok?

>hit ESC to bring up the menu
>game quits to desktop
Fucking RPGMaker.

Attached: 1584721062039.jpg (600x658, 62.12K)

>Game threatens you with your own job and life

Attached: 8UGZvHL.png (457x211, 2.74K)

>hit esc key
>menu comes up "There is no escape"
>no quit option on menu. Close button on window is unresponsive
>have to kill the process to exit the game

>Quit Game
>Fine, run for your pathetic life. You wouldn’t last five minutes on the Killing Floor.

Attached: 3AED031B-42CE-4CF1-95B2-DAED5337C331.jpg (1772x1772, 740.75K)

>press N if you are a true gamer

>Press escape
>Move mouse over to quit button and click
>Opens submenu: "Quit to Main Menu" and "Quit to Desktop"
>Clicking "to desktop" brings you to another submenu: "Save and Quit" and "Quit"
>Clicking quit opens a dialogue box: "Are you sure you want to quit without saving?"
>Clicking "yes" prompts another: "The world needs you! Are you SUUURE?"
>Clicking "yes" prompts another: "Please answer this short forum essay as to why you are quitting"
>Clicking "no thank you" brings you back to the pause menu
>Entering anything and hitting enter brings you to another screen "Please wait while we process your feedback"
>After a brief five minutes the game closes and opens another, unclosable survey form
>Clicking close will instead open a window in your default browser to the virus and backdoor riddled website
I can't wait for fallout 76 on steam you guys


>First time using RetroArch
>Setting up game in DOSBox
>Fail to realize I've bound important in-game controls to UI hotkeys