Console to PC Gamers: How the heck did you adapt to KB+M?

I am struggling, here.

I feel like I have to be mindful of so many more things now that I'm playing CoD, BF, etc. on PC. I really don't feel like I could ever be as good on KB+M as on dual sticks.

How did you folks manage to make the leap? Did you just bring a controller with you? Is a KB+M input really that much better / precise?

Could it be my fault for never properly learning to type, home row style? I generally use my index and middle finger on each hand, though I can type pretty quickly. I feel like my pinky and ring fingers are terribly underdeveloped. Do you think that might be contributing to why I can't seem to get a "feel" for this?

To be fair, I've only been "seriously" gaming on PC for about two weeks, but still. It feels very strange. I'm garbage right now.

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I had the opposite experience, how the fuck you play with a controller especially in shooter games.

So just play more, you'll get used to it.

I moved to PC in 2011 and found it difficult to control at first too
the best idea I had was to play the entire half life series with keyboard and mouse, by the end you should be at least somewhat comfortable with the controls
another game that I found excellent for aim training is left 4 dead 2, just grab an AK/hunting rifle and teach yourself to get headshots on specials and commons
once you're able to make those flicks of the mouse to get you aiming exactly where you want to, you're safe to move on to competitive shooters, I used to be plat in R6S and a quick game of l4d2 was my warmup

Had the same problem when i started. Start with shooters since they all have similar control schemes and using the mouse over the analog stick for camera movement becomes intuitive real quick. After that maybe focus on games you're familiar with so you can focus on getting the kb/m controls down more than anything else.

>Shooters are harder on KBM

Fucking what?

If it feels bad then you have a bad keyboard and bad mouse.

It's a new skill mate; practice makes perfect. Thankfully practice means playing videogames so it's not a chore.

Eventually it'll click and you'll wonder how the hell you ever played on a controller.

I find myself sat in the office with my fingers in WASD on my keyboard sometimes, it just comes naturally now.

He has never in his life used a mouse.
Probably browses Yas Forums on an ipad.

More and more zoomers have never learned how to type or use a mouse. My niece can't even comprehend File Explorer.

I played games that did not require a high amount of execution like Sim City 4. After playing that for some hours KB+M felt natural for everything else.

these pc nigger false-flags are getting more pathetic each day
like, in the REAL world people that go from kb+m to console usually play like they have hands growing out of their ass
exact opposite happens when a console player goes on the easy mode mouse

There’s no aim assist like on consoles.

the patrician choice is gamepad + mouse
fuck wasd

The fun thing about KB+M is that you can set up the controls to be whatever you want. Find where ever you rest your left hand and, assuming you are right handed, map all the game's keys around it.

I use WASD but I know some people who use ESDF for the slightly wider range of buttons. Just play fast paced FPS game on easy and master moving around while tapping at the other buttons you might need during the game like reload, melee, crouch, sprint, mark, or whatever.

Aiming easier, movement harder at first

Kbm is much faster and more 1:1 movement than a controller, also aim assist is drastically reduced. Halo on PC is actually fucked due to them turning off a lot of the bullet magnetism and other aim help for KBM players, it's legit extremely hard to shoot shit in that game compared to like overwatch or doom eternal

>easy mode mouse
It's only easy if you're used to using a mouse.
Remember, not everyone has used a mouse every day of their life for 20 years. Some people have used a trackpad or a touch screen exclusively.

Not knowing how to use a keyboard has to be peak zoomer, they spend too much time on iPads and phones which are useless.
Training our staff on how to use keybinds at work is painful, you still see them clicking on Windows to open and minimze them alongside manually copy and pasting. You have people with "2 years of Excel experience" on their resume and they don't know basic keybinds.

Remember to invert the Y-axis, makes things much easier

>My niece can't even comprehend File Explorer
I absolutely blame apple specifically for this

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>How the heck did you adapt to KB+M?
I never did because I've always used one, in fact I struggle to use a control in any way.
One of the nice things about PC is that most games have controller support anyway, you always have options.

>colleague closes a tab accidentally
>she opens a new tab
>starts retyping the address
>I say "stop please..."
>press ctrl+T on her keyboard
>she acts as if she had seen literal magic

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It's hard to say since I've been playing on PC for years

Just keep going and you'll get used to it I guess
One day you'll be asking yourself how you were ever able to play with a controller

just play more OP

its ctrl+shift+t

Games to use controller for
>third person action games that don't require aiming like Sekiro
>flight sims (use joystick if you have one)
>racing games (use steering wheel if you have one)

Pretty much every FPS on PC has controller support and can be played single/coop that way, but landing headshots with a mouse is satisfying in a way that aim assist massively dampens playing on sticks. Most games have the default sensitivity set way too high for any mouse made after about 2005, so try putting it low enough that turning all the way around uses most of your mousepad. That will make the movement much smoother rather than having it twitch all over the place, should be a lot easier to get used to and easier to aim.

Step 1 : Don't be retarded
Step 2 : Be not retarded

Huh.. So it is. I don't even conciously think about pressing Shift.
Same as with PIN numbers I can't recall what they are, but I know the pattern they form in muscle memory.

you get used to it for shooters after a couple weeks then it's your preferred way to play FPS. Any 3rd person game is better with a controller though.

The simple way of identifying is

>View control

>Player control

Objective statement about mouse vs analogue aim.

When an enemy is behind you, with a mouse you can flick your cursor to turn around and defend yourself. With a controller, you are limited to the maximum turn rate of the game.

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>Any 3rd person game is better with a controller though
No it isnt you fucking retard
If a game requires aim, it requires a mouse. Perspective is irrelevant. Aim is aim.

you don't play max payne on a fucking controller do you user

shieet I didn't even know about that one

I made a mistake.

yeah I saw in the later posts
still nice to learn something new

I was already used to it since I was always using my pc for other things while playing vidya on console. Once I got one that could properly run vidya I didn't even notice the "leap" from using a joystick.
Anyway, just keep playing and you will get used to it like any other tool.

Basic stuff but make sure you're playing PC FPS games at 90+ FOV. Another common mistake is thinking higher mouse sensitivity = better. I've re-learnt to play shooters on super low sensitivity and trust in the flick

Same here. Right now I'm playing Resident Evil 2 and the game expects me to hit 1, 2, 3, 4 to switch weapons, but to do that I have to lift off from AWSD to hit those numbers to switch weapons while using the scroll wheel is too slow since I end up in situations where I'm too slow to get to my desired weapon.

So I don't know how people are handling switching weapons quickly?

Give it a month or two of only using kb+m and you'll get used to it. Play some fast paced fps ideally like cod then you'll get used to it quicker. After that feel free to use controller for games you'd rather play with controller.

They literally lift fingers from wasd to press digits.

But what if you have to switch weapons while moving?


welcome to pc gaming. developers have no idea how to bind keys for their games and are still stuck in the 80s where you had M for map or B for bag even though those keys are miles away from wasd. you have to bind them yourself if you want a pleasant experience.

>cod is now considered "fast-paced" fps

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On a controller, you're using just you're thumb to aim. On PC, you're using your whole god damned arm. Yes it's way better. Way faster and precise which can really add some vitality to some titles that otherwise feel kind of shit. And when I say arm I mean that shit. No wrist fuckery you swing your whole arm across your desk. People can hear my hand thump thumping around on my desk I get so sweaty.

Just get used to the control schemes and try and stick to a rough range of sensitivity and just keep practicing.

It's all about muscle memory. Practice practice practice. Then when you get better start actually calculating cm/360 so you can pass that muscle memory along games. Make efforts to really control your recoil and how much you fire etc. Your FPS gameplay should be a seamless blend of competitive tricks and advantages and quick precise movement and aim all done very quickly. That's who you're playing against as well.

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then just don't lift your finger off W?
you have more than one finger

Mouse isn't the issue, mouse is easy and intuitive. Keyboard is dogshit for 90% of games. I've always wanted a dedicated one handed "wand" style controller with an analogue stick and many buttons/bumpers/triggers to be used alongside a mouse. Analogue movement + mouse aiming is the perfect solution for FPS and TPS.