playing support is boring as fuck
Playing support is boring as fuck
man you really want to have this thread, don't you
You are doing it wrong then, it's one of the most active roles.
why the fuck are the faggot mods even deleting it? i'm making a thread about supporting in video games and these niggers delete it but leave tranny threads up
why aren't you playing techies
Because he got nerfed to shit
In this meta where everyone has 30 hp regen per second he's useless
only support i play is ember
play league if you want to have fun as support
>i'm making a thread about supporting in video games
You're either retarded or dishonest.
Playing the role which you have the biggest controll over the team fights and can make big decisions between win/lose.
I rather take that role than try to gain as much gold/min I can get and just throw it all away becaus some jackass can't find his hotkeys.
Why is this hero so fun, yet so borderline garbage unless you get a good early game
Imagine unironically playing DOTA2 after the fuck up patch.
kys boomer
Dota used to be about wrecking noobs with big dick carries, not epic support cuck plays for twitch views
It's why all mobas suck dick now. Who the fuck wants to rely on their random team mates rather than potentially carrying the game yourself. At higher ranks it literally becomes a coin flip whether you get decent team mates or not. All you can do is do your best and hope you're not with complete retards.
incredibly based
Because his skills are great but he's really squishy and needs items if you're gonna play aggressive. It's also really easy to over-extend or fuck up by using your orb at the wrong time, problems which you can get out of with items but are easy to forget are death traps when you're poor.
>play support
>never get blamed for team failures
>always get praised when doing good
The three weeks of carry Puck was the most fun I've ever had in dota. What happened to Icefrog not backtracking buffs baka.
It's even worse in league because supports are even more significant throughout the game, and if you get a shit one no one ever bats an eye and blames the carry who never gets help.
I don't know how ir is right now but 7 years ago playing supports was my favorite thing in this game.
I used to wreck shit omniknight, crystal maiden and chen
Why the fuck would hp regen matter when he instakills people?
>started replaying dota2
>Friends hmu
>start only play support say
>im playing for the win you played more then i have now
>lose 0-20
>blame me
>Fuck you scrubs anyway
>play solo mid, carry, hard dont give a fuck
>playing good wininning roughly 4/1 games
>friends invite me
>reply i play way too bad for you
>theyr stats 30% win rate
>Try to convince me to join them
>Bully them into submitting they play bad asf
>They agree, say carry us
>But you play too bad for me
That was fun
>play support
>carry and mid player throw the game
>cant do anything but watch
This is why you pick carry
When I play support I just pick Nature's Prophet and farm damage and attack speed items
Fix him without reworking him nor reverting him, hard mode: no removal from the game
There is nothing to fix.
No its not, its very fun. Much better than LoL
league is one of the moba games that have managed to remove what little fun exists in the genre entirely
whats a tranny thread
there was a thread comparing AVGN to a tranny pornstar that was up for hours while 2 of my "fuck support" threads got deleted
You're just playing the wrong supports
So what is so bad about playing support? To me it definitely isn't boring to play one. You have so much to do that you cannot even do it all. Only real con is that when a carry tilt at 30 min mark in a winnable game its fucking bullshit.
For some reason ASSFAGGOTS are full of these Dunning-Kruger retards. Guess matchmaking and being a team game is good for excuses and shifting blame.
Not true, just play it as a disabler and annoy people with your silence and ult.
flat damage buff on everything
reasonable attack animation and damage
bam hes a viable core