First time playing Witcher 3, who should I romance?

First time playing Witcher 3, who should I romance?

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whoever makes your willy stiff

Romance Cirilla

Romance both Yen and Triss

Yenn. Triss is a bit character and it just makes the second half weird and awkward. Yenn also has the better romance scenes and ending

Triss. Yenn is a cunt for boys with mommy issues to chase after.

Triss is a peppy emotionally available redhead even if she did try to rape you in the witcher 2, which is kind of hot desu anyways

I've played through the game multiple times and not once romances yenn. Fuck that cunt

I could forgive you for not knowing the books but
>starts a franchise with an ongoing plot with the third game
You deserve to romance Triss

If Yen had bigger tits she would mog Triss.

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You can't rape the willing.

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What the fuck? Whoever the fuck you fucking want to fuck, you fucking stupid fuck.
Why the fuck do people come here to ask who to fuck in a game where you're allowed to choose who you want to fuck? Are they fucking retarded? Physically fucking incapable of making their own fucking decisions?
You've fucking pissed me off. Fuck you.



the story of the witcher 1,2 and 3 follows on from your characters apparent 'death' at the end of the books.

>ciri spirited you and yen away to the isle of avalon to live forever, until the wild hunt tracked down the powerful magic, and took yen and geralt slaves, with geralt and yen escaping, for geralt to start the story of the witcher 1

triss, as a member of the lodge of sorceresses, KNOWS yen is also out and about back in the world, and is LYING to you ever since you 'met' her in the witcher 1 because she wants that geralt D just for herself. she basically defrauds and cons you into a relationship for three fucking games. she KNOWS yen is your true love who you CHOSE and left her for.

>meanwhile you're an amnesiac sufffering the afferects of trans dimensional multiversal travel without a spectral spacesuit enfeebled and cursed by powerful magic into not knowing anything ( on purpose because it makes the aen elle more useful slaves if the slaves can't remember anything about who they are etc)

Do you care about being canonically correct and about the other witcher games and the books? Then go with Yennefer, even though she is a bit bitchy. She and Geralt have an interesting dynamic going on, while Triss pulled some questionable shit in the other games.

Or is this the only Witcher game you play and you don't care about the overarching plot of the universe? Do you despise bitchy women? Then go for Triss, she is very wholesome, hot and nice in this game. Her romance route in this game is great.

Decide for yourself my dude, do what floats your boat, don't let others talk shit for your decision.

Fuck both and run away.

whoever you feel like

people who say Yenn is canon are ignoring the fact that the games TECHNICALLY aren't canon anyway, and TW3 gives you a plausible reason for why Geralt doesn't end up with Yenn ('the last wish' quest)
outside of that it comes down to if you want to be femdommed by a bitch or have an actual healthy relationship

I read all the books before TW3 came out and I STILL think Yenn is a bitch, she's not without her good qualities, but overall she is so acidic to anyone and everyone that it would be fucking work having to deal with her all the time

Books this, books that.
I read them before the first game was even released and thought that Yennefer was basically like a curse for him. Getting amnesia and waking up in bed with Triss seems like a chance for starting a new, better life for the poor fellow.

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Slut A or Slut B
It doesn't matter for the Manslut Witcher.

But you can rape the mentally disabled

Yennefer if you’re playing as Geralt and Triss if you want to self-insert.

>Triss stands with the Lodge when they want to use Ciri for their own gains
Couldn't stomach the fucking whore ever since. I seem to remember a scene where Philippa is talking with either Geralt, Yennefer or both at the door and they see Triss in the background in the room. Fuck her traitorous ass. I loved seeing the dried up Rose of Remembrance in TW3.

>whoever you feel like
>people who say Yenn is canon are ignoring the fact that the games TECHNICALLY aren't canon anyway
What about the CDPR comics taking place after TW3 which are CANON to the games?


Yennefer is a toxic cunt, nobody except Geralt likes her. Imagine being in a relationship with a girl who is hated by everyone. If it were to me, I would throw yen to Radovid and watch her burn at a stake.

Triss is the true wife material. She brings warm, peaceful feelings to Geralt and Geralt is happy around her. She also doesn't act like a toxic cunt to people around her, for christ sakes, SHE RISKS HER LIFE SAVING OTHER MAGES IN NOVIGRAD. Yen would have just let them all die

>be deformed monstrosity
>become a hot woman with supernatural powers and live among the higher classes
>only prize to pay is fertility, wich doesn't matter that much since there are thousands of orphans and poor mothers who can't take care of their children
>be a bitch to everyone just because you can't have children
She's always been a cunt. The fags that always say that romancing Yen is canon because it's in the novels don't realize that the book romances are awful garbage.
Geralt being atracted to Yen because of muh destiny isn't romantic; it's lazy, shitty writting by one of the worse romance writers of our times.
With than being said, every sane person would stay away from any magic user in The Witcher universe. Radovid was always right.

But if you want to self insert you'd go with Shani

If Phil weren't a lesbian, Radovid would be the biggest sorceress-fag in wither universe, if you know what I mean.

Yenn if you want to go by canon.

Neither otherwise and focus on the Ciri witcher ending. Then the dlc. Reminder, fuck over the duchess because she's retarded.

It's better to help her for Geralt's own gain. Can't have a comfy villa if the Duchess of the place was recently fucking murdered.

True but the whole time I was gritting my teeth.

>cute and funny redhead who listens to you and cares about other people
>domineering bitch who orders you around and don't care about other people as long as she gets what she wants

yeah dude hard pick

Still not canon to the books nigga are you dense or just retarded?

>are you dense or just retarded?
I don't know, are you? The games aren't canon to the books, but the comics are canon to the games. Both declare Yen as the one. Choose whoever the fuck you want but "muh canon" isn't an excuse.