>black guy having a white daughter

Are japs retarded

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She's not his real daughter, he found her in the slums

He got cucked like all black guys

Barret is raising another man's daughter.


Never played FF7 or troll. Either way OP is and continues to be a faggot.

>he doesn't get his facts straight before laying down his shitposts

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She's the daughter of his best friend.

>Not being redpilled enough to realize you're basically grooming your future wife

hes white af nigga

she's not white, and he's clearly in blackface. simply look at his shoulders.

Look at the damn size difference. He'd split her apart with his dick.


Barret is barely black in the remake. They kept his skin color but removed all black facial features.

>have to put up with all these zoomers who havent played the original now
Fuck sake. It's not his daughter.

He's raising his friends daughter after his "death".

I've seen black people with his facial features

pretty based if you ask me

Marlene is Asian

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Why is barrett is dark? Is he made of chocolate?

Hello you abominable faggot. Please research the game properly before making bland shitposting attempts.

Midgar is now Tokyo

if the mother is white there is the possibility that the son is white
t. white user with a black father and a white mother

Should have changed him into okinawan guy 2bh.

I think those are called "red bones". Basically they are 1/4 black or something. The skin color doesn't seem to go away easily, lol.


I hate how little you actually get to use Berret. Tired of these dumb hallways!

He thinks her real dad was killed by Shinra so he is raising her. Keyword is thinks. Wouldn't be surprised if they drop this part in the "remake" though

>black guy

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lmao sorry boy but you mommy got BLEACHED, riding the LWC for ten seconds.

His bro 4 life died. He's raising his bro's daughter.

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get outta here you filthy nigger

Are you?


Wot? I know more black people with his facial features than those who have the obongo look from Africa.

Maybe his wife got whited?

It doesn't work like that, user.
You would be at least dark brown.
Your mom cheated your father, or somewhy abandoned her previous partner just before you were born.

Its rare but possible. I know an asian black couple. Kids are all asian with no melanin.

Perfectly white for American standards.

I unironically love the old FF7 artwork where characters are 80% leg.

Are you retarded?

Is this what they call "black" humour?

>The skin color doesn't seem to go away easily, lol.
It actually depends of the ancestry, for example Australian aborigenes' black skin color is a recessive gene versus other skin colors.

Did you drop out of high school?

>Barret will never be your dad

Did they?

Her real father was Barret's best friend (Dyne) in his hometown. When Shinra attacked, Dyne allegedly died after falling from the side of a cliff.

As the game progresses Barret encounters Dyne again, because Dyne went off on a shooting spree killing a bunch of innocent people and everyone was looking for a man with a "machine gun arm." Turns out he also has a machine gun arm (on the opposite arm iirc.) He tries to convince Barret to let him have his daughter back, but then after fighting him realizes he's not cut out to be a parent anymore and kills himself.

There you go, OP, you glorious fucking faggot.

Did you? I know american education is shit though.
please say it, it makes me coom

I am looking forward to Barret vs Dyne in the Remake's future parts so goddamn much.


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By the time part 2 comes out and the time jannies push Dyne of a cliff the newfags will have completely forgotten who Marlene is.

I wish you were right and I would have had my mother's green eyes, we tested years ago and I am indeed his son

he's a cuck canonically

>ejector to the left side
Surprisingly good attention to detail to such a crazy concept

A lot of American blacks descend from slave owners.

built for bbc

>I think those are called red bones
This has got to be the actual most embarrassing post I've seen a long time. Also you are a facially blind autistic retard

Doesn't look Asian tho

you're a cuck canonically

>steals wh*te guys daughter and fucks her
Pretty based.

>t. white

More like "blacked" humour

she looks like she