Why did pre-rendered isometric graphics die?

Why did pre-rendered isometric graphics die?

Attached: quick-battle-defending.jpg (1920x1080, 857.51K)

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Because 3D is easier/cheaper to work with

No VR support

Requires actual art direction and you can't just copy-paste shit from generic 3d object libraries that everyone and their mom uses.

Isometric graphics were the peak of pc gaming, prove me wrong.

The graphics in OP's pic are clearly just 3D models rendered in 2D.

Requires a lot of skill and time

First thing I think of when seeing castles and isometric view

Isometric is a viewing angle. Even 3D can be viewed isometrically.

Attached: qa6qVsJ.jpg (1024x931, 252.63K)

>harder to make
>more expensive
>zoomers can't spin them like they do with their spinners

Yes and that is harder to work with than pure 3D

What part of "pre-rendered" did you not understand?

Why is pre-rendered hard to do? Isn't it much easier not having to worry about your 3d model being optimised?

Because consumer hardware became very good at displaying 3D graphics in real time.

>Why did pre-rendered isometric graphics die?
They were a product of necessity, you simply couldn't push the same level of fidelity at the time with full 3D models/textures as you could with pre-rendered sprites. Now ironically it's the least efficient and most taxing way of doing things.

A modern pre-rendered sprite based game would be waaaaay bigger than doing it in 3D. Age of Empires 2 DE is a pretty prime example, especially because they've gone to the effort of rendering out frames of animation for even more directions. The sheer fucking size of the animation sheets required and at a super high resolution is unironically more taxing on your system and will take up a lot more space than straight up 3D models/textures/rigs/animation. Pre-rendered sprites really aren't efficient for anything that isn't static.

Fuck do they look good though.


what is this game, it looks cool
>inb4 pleb
>inb4 reddit

Knights of Honor


Attached: 1567012302986.png (1900x1000, 246.04K)

Games still use pre rendered stuff, ever heard of a skybox? You think Uncharted or Halo Reach are actually rendering all that shit in the distance?


>Why is pre-rendered hard to do? Isn't it much easier not having to worry about your 3d model being optimised?

It's incredibly time consuming, character stuff in particular has to be rendered out from a ton of different angles with every possible variation of the unit imaginable and then all the associated animations......make one little change to the base 3D model, gotta do ALL the renders again etc

Texel density has to be fucking perfect between everything.

It's just an extremely labour intensive step on top of doing 3D that removes a lot of the flexibility of 3D.

First they make the 3D, then they have to make it suitable for the game, from traversal to the layers and whatnot. With 3D games, it stops at the first step.

That sounds absolutely illogical and wrong.

>3D + extra work is harder than just 3D
>"that sounds absolutely illogical"
Seems you aren't exactly good at this "logic" business.

>That sounds absolutely illogical and wrong.
Nah, he's not wrong at all.

Because muh pollygorns.

It sound illogical to you because you are ignorant about how games and programming works

its pretty ugly unless this is a bad example, would be better to be low polygon with nice textures

Amazing, my own opposite.

Cutting them and then piecing them together is such pain in the ass.

Knights of Honor is such a great looking game, but fuck it's boring to play.

>What is Divinity
>What is Pillars of Eternity
>What is Grim Dawn

game? looks kino as fuck

looked into it and yeah op is a bad example, in op it looks so tiley and restricted, but it can look nice

Attached: 796e4afa63b6f575d52ec00d6b4d62a9.jpg (970x546, 167.35K)



Attached: external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg (200x200, 7.23K)

I've only ever played AoE/M and Stronghold. Never heard of Knights of Honor. Getting on that shit now.

Knights of Honor was such a great game

>are clearly just 3D models rendered in 2D
Are you a brainlet? Everything in OP's picture is a 2d sprite.