This is Fie from Trails of Cold Steel 3. Say something nice to her. Laurafags obviously not welcome.
This is Fie from Trails of Cold Steel 3. Say something nice to her. Laurafags obviously not welcome
she cute
built for being punched in the stomach
Made for headpatting.
You guys are great!
Kys faggot.
I swear to God, part of the reason I am having a hard time picking up Trails in the Sky is just because of how fucking amazing Cold Steel 3 looks. I rarely praise graphics but god damn that's how you do 3D anime right.
CS ruined the series forever
CS didn't ruin shit. The story is arguably better, even if the characters are a little more friendship-is-magic tier. CS's story is far better than Sky's story and Crossbellniggers are obviously not allowed an opinion.
I'll give you one thing though: Cold Steel sure bought the waifufags in hard.
>The story is arguably better
>CS's story is far better than Sky's story and Crossbellniggers are obviously not allowed an opinion.
Why do CSfags shitpost so much like this?
Because it's objectively true. Calling it shitposting because your taste is shit does not make it shitposting.
One of the two reasons I suffered through half of the second game, the other one being Laura.
These games are shit and so is the entire franchise.
Why is she wearing a bikini on the outside of her corset? Is this what a female Superman would do?
Also, this is some Nomura-level belts.
I'll never forgive Fie after she aborted our baby.
You need to make babies in her butt user. That's what she prefers.
>expecting anime characters to wear relatable clothing
At least she's not in lingerie like a lot of other characters are.
You suck. Altina is much better
Why hold back and only do one of those? You have two arms
should I bought the trilogy and invest 200h of my time?
I don't understand her outfit at all. Or why she'd grow her hair out in the profession she is in
You'll be doing yourself a favor by sticking with the series. Personally I loved the Harvest Moon-esque style of the older games and even from the very beginning of CS1 I was picking up on lore from the other titles.
She was better with short hair.
is this 3? looks like 4
3, but running 4k on PC with MSAAX8.
If you played the earlier games, sure.
Fie is shit. Yeah, she is hot as hell, but she may be one of the worst characters in the series.
>muh sleepy smug cat-like loli
Laura best old VII-er
Musse best nu VII-er
Sara best girl overall
Don't get your hopes up.
You can buy CS 1&2 actually, and then see if you like this shit. If you do, than you should try earlier games.
Falcom is shit at animation, especially when there are a lot of characters on screen. recently Kondo mentioned how hard it was for them to make scenes like that.
However, it doesn't make the game bad, and I would also agree with who you responded to that the character models in 3 and 4 are for the most part extremely good.
does 3 has as great panties and round butts as 4 does?
That looks kinda cool
What use are good models if you can't animate them properly?
She won't even feel it through her abs.
this is 3?? not 4???
But Laura and Fie are a package deal. Want one, need to take both.
Abs you say?
Coldsteelfags are embarassing.
Why is Joshua talking to Rean’s girl?
That's not Kloe.