Played Dark Souls always hollowed

>Played Dark Souls always hollowed
>Played Dark Souls 2 offline
>Played Dark Souls 3 offline

Never had my single player game ruined by invasionfaggots who think this is a multiplayer game LMAO

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everyone makes mistakes

cool story bro

>play hollowed and offline while leveling and gathering all relevant equipment for my build
>once ready, reconnect and invade nonstop

>hear player using "young female" voice variant
>equip curse dagger +14

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bUt yOU mIsSEd THe bLoOdsTAiNs aND mESsaGes!!!

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that was the point? invasion was endgame shit who would be retarded enough to waste time dealing with invasions. The entirety of DS2 was to shit up everyone's game. It's no wonder they backtracked from it in DS3

Imagine being scared of losing to an invader.
There are people on this board that are unironically terrified of it.

only zoomers like PvP shit in a game that's supposed to present itself as a single player ARPG

>Invader gets his ass kicked
>He runs away into an area with a ton of enemies
>Seed of a Giant Tree
Always fun.

i played dks1 offline, never updating it for about a year straight. not to avoid pvp, but for the dragonhead glitch. didnt really need infinite souls to cheese the game, spelunking your way down the great hollow tree and avoid hydra water bullets was at sl1 was a fun adventure in itself

>supposed to present itself as a single player ARPG
it's not. multiplayer was one of the main selling points since demon's souls

You missed out on some really good items bruh

Has anyone been banned for disconnecting? I do it all the time and I have never noticed any sort of penalty.

It's fine and it makes invaders seethe.

based autogynephile remover

why would you get banned for disconnecting
it's not some competetive game, despite autists on Yas Forums thinking so

I bought DS3 to play online and in retrospect it wasn't worth it. Messages broke my immersion and PvP was just cheese builds like rapier spam. Eventually, I just played it offline.

Yeah I want to pvp against a highly optimized pvp build with my half-assed pve build.

I disconnected from every single invasion, I eventually got banned after maybe the 5/6 time but I used a trainer to get unlimited way of the white circlets and just used them any time I got softbanned.
eventually I started lag switching though and instead of disconnecting I would just fuck with their connection to the server and just annihilated them whilst they were frozen

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Don't forget to drop a few gestures and hacked items into their inventory.

Faggots. Can't handle an invasion? I bet you losers don't fight honorably either and summon a shit ton.

When I invade and someone disconnects I think it's funny more than frustrating. They've got to go through more time to go back into the game than I do to get into another invasion, so I'm not even particularly inconvenienced by it.

Honestly, unless they're an absolute mega twink you can probably win anyway.

It's okay to play online
It's okay to play offline
It's not okay to play online but disconnect when you get invaded because you don't want people "ruining" your game
It's not okay to be an invader and complain about the host not dueling you honorably. Or complain about invaders having disadvantage when the point of invasions is just to be an intelligent enemy for the host to defeat

>Dude have an honorable fight with my optimized artificially low SL pvp build
>Why yes I will run away behind all the enemies the second I start losing, I'm an invader after all
If you wanted an "honorable" fight you would be in the arena, you're not fooling anyone.

If you haven't played a souls game online at launch, you are not allowed to judge it in any shape or form.

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>eventually I started lag switching though and instead of disconnecting I would just fuck with their connection to the server and just annihilated them whilst they were frozen

lame, real haxor niggas drop a gargantuan stat boost on the invaders so that they can one shot you with a simple R1 attack, record the gameplay then report them for hacking, I literally have about 70 email logs from support saying they've actioned against the players I've reported.


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Attached: Disconnect Souls.webm (853x480, 2.87M)

>funny more than frustrating
it's like you scare someone into submission to the point of them running away

how does one learn this power? I want to get invaders banned too

I would like the invasion aspect much more if an invading player got to possess a creature in the area, making it more dangerous for the invaded player but also making it drop better loot (or give some other benefit when defeated).

Based. Summoning twink players to beat the game for you is literally cuck tactics. And who wants to play with sweaty pvptards anyway?

That would actually be pretty fun