Is Nomura a hack or a genius?
Is Nomura a hack or a genius?
Never let Oney work on a pilot for 5 years
People are only realizing he's a hack because they're growing out of JRPGs but don't want to accept that their childhood genre was always kinda shit.
What is with Yas Forums and oneyng lately?
Aren't you the same guys who said not to post youtuber/e-celebs?
nomura is a genius
>Oney of all people complaining about someone else being developmentally arrested
His sense of humor is literally something a 13 year-old would have.
That's not true. I played quite a lot of nip stuff I never got to play as a kid, and even if mechanics are shit, which they are, you are still enjoying the game. Good fucking luck enjoying KH3, for example.
isn't this the kid whos making that shit newgrounds platformer
no sense of irony i guess
I don't even like Oney but after that ending he's actually, and only for this particular instance, dead on.
Little bit of both, tbqh.
The time jannies were hamfisted, but they did their job. Now the next parts of FF7R could go anywhere. Whether that ends up being a good or bad thing is anyone's guess, though.
There can't be someone worse to say this
I'm one of those guys.
And I say OP is a fucking nigger that needs to fuck off with his e-celeb garbage.
he's not only a genius but he's also very based
>Playing the JRPG quarantine thread's recommendation of 20 year old games
>Have been having the most fun in the last 10 years
Yea no, modern games are just ass.
Oney is a confirmed ff7 nostalgiafag. He wasnt going to like this game in the first place.
All 7fags deserve the bad things that happen to them.
Nomura is a humongous chuuni, but Oney is also being a manbaby about 7R. It's just a video game.
Because you choose to let some future event rewrite it.
>Yas Forums is one person
When will this meme end?
>Yea no, modern games are just ass.
Yeahn pretty much this. Got some nice games to recommend user?
He's just a retard. If he thinks his retcon or OC is going to stand up to one of the most beloved stories in RPG history that has withstood the test of time, with his recent track record, he's just an overambitious retard. On the one hand I don't think there's much point to redoing something that already exists, but on the other hand there was no need to do this to something that already exists in the first place.
Why are Japs so obsessed with fate? That and Jungian "philosophy". It's embarassing at this point.
Sense of humor does not reflect writing ability
Remember when Sephiroth was strong enough to throw a building and Cloud could cut through a train and everybody knew how to fly, good times...
I do. Can't believe they achieved that on the PS1.
This makes no fucking sense, what is even the inrigue at this point ? what are the character motivations?
Does it have to be a jrpg or do you have a more preferred genre?
Nah FF7 is still way better then the remale
Yeah this is 100% a fanfic some 12yo wrote 10 years ago and nomura just copy pasted it into his game
Clearly a hack, the man can't fucking help but inject his retarded nonsensical whimsical fairy-tale meta bullshit into everything he touches.
Kingdom Hearts was fairly well liked for many reasons, but it was almost universally slated for it's plot, why would you let the man responsible for that loose on the plot of your most valuable asset?
preferably a jrpg, something comfy
>Whether that ends up being a good or bad thing is anyone's guess, though.
Look at the hamfist you mentioned. Look at SE's recent years.
You know that anything above than mediocre KH fanfiction is asking for too much.
Why did you even buy a remake for a game you don't like?
>why would you let the man responsible for that loose on the plot of your most valuable asset
Because he worked on the original FF7, and Japanese logic says bringing him back = good.
In Japan seniority is king
Chris was ready to hate the remake the moment it was announced. He is literally a changebad.
Not him but I recommend Breath of Fire 3 and 4. They have very nice pace to play, come with minigames, varied dungeons and locations, interesting worlds, fantastic sprite works and generally give you the feeling of going on an adventure.
Also Wild Arms 1-3. Western themed JRPGs. WA1 (the original, not the remake for PS2) has one of the best soundtracks in any JRPG ever (they basically copied Ennio Morricone every once in a while).
Grandia 1 and 2 are fantastic picks. Really long games with a super unique battle system. Anything after GRandia 2 should be touched with a ten foot pole forst to see if you like it.