The year is 2020

>the year is 2020
>still have to wait an entire year for games to get localized

Keep in mind western games get day 1 worldwide release in 5-10 languages including Japanese

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Then you have to wait for the terrible localization to get fixed.

is Ys 9 as shit as Ys 8?

please tell me that it won't get localized by nisa

Im playing 8. Without spoilers, what do you think is wrong with it?

not him but I thought it was if you do not reply to this post Dana will die in her sleep

it has the same problem as all the other party-based Ys games, flash guard and flash move make every single boss fight identical, but Ys 8 also has so much padding, like the boring raids and the, to avoid spoilers, "solo" sections, making the game like 30 hours longer than the first two party based games, which had a perfect length. It also has the worst story in the series and one of the worst endings in any video game ever made.


Good thing it'll be my first. Technically second, but it's been so long since i started Ys Origin on vita that i'll just have to restart. Im liking it so far.

Best JRPG of the 2010s

Change my fucking mind

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Of course you’re a goddamn nigger. Stop fucking spamming.

The vita version has massive frame rate drops, play it on the PC if you can. Origin is a great fucking game.

>Absolutely zero news on the Celceta physical release.
>Spring 2020 still shown as release date.

Will do. Thanks.

May 12th I preordered on amazon

>waiting for garbage games

>nu-Falcom garbage
It'd be even better if it stayed unreleased.

My mistake, it wasn't Origin that i was playing before, it was Celceta.

I'm in Europe, it's Marvelous that's publishing here and the entire concept of marketing is totally alien to them.

That's just Falcom.

Marvelous x Nisa x Nihon Falcom all need to merge.
Fight me. You know they would be better all together. Combining Xseed Translation standards with Nisa wider availably with faster localized Falcom games.

might as well kill yourself now if you unironically enjoy that shit

Back to the FF7R threads

wasn't it confirmed shit?

>not being confirmed shit from day 1

>JP: September 26, 2019
>NA: October 29, 2019
Falcom needs to be bought out by Koei-Tecmo.

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>Keep in mind western games get day 1 worldwide release in 5-10 languages including Japanese
AAA games, many western games take months to get localized in Japan (WWZ, if you want a recent example), or some simply don't come out at all.

Every time a Falcom game is successful in the west I think it's finally the time they take the market seriously and hurry the fuck up, only to be denied.

>not enjoying every Ys game

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The battle system in SEVEN and Celceta is ass. They should have just reskinned Nayuta.

Bros I'm having a lot of trouble getting into Naphistim. The magic system feels anti-fun. Anything to fix this besides upgrades?

not really, ark is pretty barebones, at least they have an excuse of them testing things out on their new engine

>is Ys 9 as shit as Ys 8?
Yes. It's shit like all 3D Ys games.

Expect the same boring as fuck Flash Guard/Flash Move spam that makes every single encounter a cakewalk.

Falcom went from making some of the best ARPGs in the industry to a shovelware company worse than Bamco. Pathetic.

*blocks your path*

p.s Origin came out on Steam in the 2010s so YES i count it as part of the 2010s deal with it

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Gotta censor everything problematic and spend ages dubbing the entire thing with said censored translation and force it on everyone while adding CPU melting bugs and removing content.

Have some respect.

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