It's time to discuss the greatest GTA ever made

It's time to discuss the greatest GTA ever made.

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San Andreas? Sure, it was a pretty good game.

where's this in los santos?
Haven't seen that spot

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we had this thread yesterday

welcome to Yas Forums

looks comfy, what game OP?

VI isnt out yet

For me it's VC > 3 > SA

4 > 5 but I didn't love it. You've got to remember it looked and ran atrociously, even on PC at release. Plus it was GfWL.


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>SA at the bottom

lol someone was dropped as a child

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Yeah IV is pretty boring.

IV is trash.

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is it worth getting GTA4? last GTA I played was SA on PS2

For me it's VC>SA>3>5>2>4>1


Nobody cares about stupid niggas.
>but muh jetpack
fuck off

IV shits on V and San Andreas. Vice City is second best and III is too dated at this point.

IV is grey and boring

yep. Yas Forums only likes to shit on IV because its the cool trend

Yes, best atmosphere, physics, realism. Makes free roaming the best it's ever been in the series.

I liked Niko, I didn't like his game.

>Yas Forums only likes to shit on IV because its the cool trend
It's literally the opposite, IV is generally considered one of the weakest in the series.

I need colors in muh crime game.

Based retard. Go play Pokemon or weeb shit.

San Andreas = 4 > Gta3 > the rest

Wasn't a big fan of Vice City but Its soundtrack is baller af. 5 is my least liked Grand Theft Auto game, whether it was because I played the last gen version I'm not sure but the game was clearly aimed at a broader demographic.

Fucking kiddos being nostalgic over the worst gta. Pathetic, really. But we knew this day would come.

San Andreas was too big. I hate open worlds. It was just an expanse of nothing and the missions had too much travelling because of it.

Am I just alone with the opinion that 5 is just a better game?
Better map, more engaging characters and story (summarize 4s story in a paragraph), way more vehicles and toys, way more stuff to do besides missions and rampages, way more outfits and character customization, arguably better driving (for GTA: Arcade > "Sim"), better shooting too.
These are the things that matter most in a GTA game and while 4 has some great atmosphere and lots of interesting details, it is just a bit bland and uninteresting for the most part, which is something I always realize freshly when I have the urge to play it, almost like I did from seeing the OP. But in my mind, the game just offers less and less interesting than the sequel.

only on Yas Forums

Reminder that the 360 version is the best one.

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What are they planning?

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>Yas Forums only likes to jerk IV off because an e-celeb said it's good

the fuck are you even talking about smoothbrain

>tfw you clock someone in the side of the head with the baseball bat


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Oh and missions in general are just more fun and interesting in V.
You can accuse it of being "oh so whacky" with it, but hick methdealer hijinks beats shooting up a grey warehouse full of faceless foreigners.

SA vc rdr mp3 and iv are my favourite gtas of all time
2 and 1 are so much better than 3 5 and spin-offs like rdr2
Sadly I think rockstar have lost the spark their last 2 games have been very mediocre but still enjoyable to a point
I also miss edgy shit like manhunt 1 2 and bully i didn't finish them but they felt and played alot better than the modern stuff
Also midnight club la dub is fantastic with a wheel yet after the ps3 version my g25 only works with gta 5 on pc with mods which was fun but was very jank
I think the formula has gotten stale and the ai actual gameplay have gotten dull it's always hi I'm pro tag my life sucks and it will suck less or. More by the end of the game fetch quest x to y ride or drive to here go there etc there really isn't any variation in the way you do shit in these games anymore no real memorable missions no fun allowed overly scripted tripe and sjw values about muh wamen and ancient indjuns Nobel savages in rde2 where there is no cowboy VS Indian kino fucking lame fuck as fuck cunt.

I'll probably just pirate 6 if it ever gets cracked no way in fuck I'll make the mistake of buying it on 3 different gens like I did with v or once like I idid with Rdr2 on pc

It looks worse than the other two versions by far.

I liked IV characters/story better. Not sure about better driving and better shooting. Also it had nice atmosphere and style.
But I mostly agree. V is just more fun. I guess, it's just contrarians and "OLD GOOD NEW BAD"-fags that shit on it.
The missions are more inspired. Not just "drive there, kill these, because some mafia guy told you so". I was so tired of this by the end of IV.
The money actually has worth, because you can waste them on things.
IV feels unfinished.

>drive to mission marker
>drive to place
>start cover shooter fight
>finish fight
>call the mission giver back
>300 kebabs have been deposited in your account
>cant spend it on anything
>repeat until end of the game

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hopefully a new IP and not another fucking GTA

Yas Forums pretends that IV is better just out of contrarianism.
IV is a solid game but it was kind of a mess. V improved on many aspects.

you missed the "boring" part, retard. IV has the least shit to do in any GTA game

>Reminder that the 360 version is the best one.
Had it on all 3
Pc is a fucking mess
Ps3 looked and played terrible
Literally went out and got a x360 back in 09 because the pc port I already owned (i9 920 oc gtx 285 etc) was unplayable and compared them alot.
Finished it on pc eventually and loved it.
X360 version was great but as mods took off it got crushed by pc
Played tlad on xbox tbogt on pc loved both of them remember being so hyper for v and when it came out and I finished it it felt like... O that's it? Was barely longer than iv and much shorter than SA which I finished twice by then.
Rdr2 on the other hand aha the opposite problem it's just too damn long and not that much fun to play besides fucking around with hogtying and physics
Main story doesn't really get good until the end but since I played rdr before you see the ending coming at the literal start of the first game where Rdr2 ends fuck sake.
At least online made up for dogshit ai in v

>3 and 5 ahead of 2
How about no.

It's true grit. Add more vehicles and customization, and it'd be flawless. I don't even like the music, but even that is a perfect representation of 2007, just like Vice of 86, SA of 1991, and III of 2000... GTAV is doesn't have that feel at all. Something's different and missing from V.

based and Euphoria-pilled

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Who cares. Just like Capcom, Konami, Namco, Tecmo, Team Ninja, Square, Sega and Midway (Netherrealm) they suck now.

So i tried modding my gta 4 on pc n it dosnt work anymore. It starts up social club then says it failed to start and the game says start on stea. Any tips? I just tried to ads a 50 cal skin to test the modding. I made a made backup of the files but it still dont go

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kill yourself