What awe youw thoughts on Twials of Mana and the chawactew of Chawwotte?
What awe youw thoughts on Twials of Mana and the chawactew of Chawwotte?
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Sorry, i only play GOOD Mana games.
Just reading that made me hate it. They re-released the older ones on the Switch, right? Are they worth it?
Seiken Densetsu 1 (Final Fantasy Adventure) is a damn solid game, SD2 (Secret of Mana) is a nice proof of concept, but it's actually a complete fucking mess with the snes not being able to keep up with the combat and being able to stunlock bosses to death with magic, SD3 (Trials of Mana) is an improvement in every way, still has its flaws but I highly recommend it. Remake looks fun
I've never played any Mana game before the Demo - and I loved it, with the caveat of it being a little too easy even on hard. Do the older titles have a similar "hack n slash" kind of gameplay, how long are they, do you travel the entire world map regardless of who you choose or will players without Hawkeye in their team never reach Flamekhan's castle?
Cute and funny
Some of the areas, like the final dungeon are based on how the main villain of your main character is. Riesz/Hawkeye share the same villain, then there's Duren/Angela with their witch bitch and Kevin/Charlotte with the jester motherfucker
I got the villains mixed up, Riesz/Hawkeye have the with bitch and Duren/Angela have the wizard
Other bosses? Whole areas or just parts of it? Preferably without spoiling anything please
Jag hörde
en nostalgisk sång
någonstans långt bort...
it's not like a complete overhaul of the story, the character villain does alter some parts of the playthrough and determines the final dungeon and boss.
Pretty much what the other user said, I had tons of fun with them. Secret of Mana improves a lot by playing it co-op, but I understand how that would be particularly difficult in these times.
I'm weawwy wooking fowward to it.
Going Angela Duran Kevin first.
Cool, thanks.
Whole areas at times. If your MC isn't Riesz or Hawkeye, you will indeed not go to the base of the Nevarl thieves.
That's probably my team too, with Duran as the main. I can't stand Riesz though, everything about her is awful
If you pick the little girl, you're a pedophile.
Unironically adorable. I actually like the voice acting. Stay mad.
i think the fact that it's a mix of "cute talk" and new jersey speak is what sells it
like, i can easily imagine a crackwhore speaking the same way
Go back to twitter, pizza man.
what's a pedophiwe
How does Riesz get so much tentacle porn then?
God just imagining the man who made this thread is making me sick.
I never played any Mana game. Should I do it for her?
do it for Riesz
People have been telling me the most patrician party is Hawkeye/Reisz/X
Who should X be? It seems like you lack a good caster AND a good tank with Hawkeye/Reisz
>Check tags.
>Only square character with more hentai than her is Tifa.
I'm wondering the same thing.
The power of autism.
No idea who would ever recommend that and how it is "patrician" in any way. Hawkeye debuffs, Reisz buffs. You don't have magic or healing.
Maybe Duran would be a good addition, with his elemental sabers or healing (does his healer class get sabers?)
No such thing as a tank in this game
Charlotte. While Hawkeye and Riesz do DPS/combat, Charlotte will heal
I was thinking Duran since they unfucked the light professions in this version apparently.
c...can it be ANYONE ELSE besides Charlotte?