TBC classic... We're going home bros. Are you prepared to kill Illidan?

TBC classic... We're going home bros. Are you prepared to kill Illidan?

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dead game LMAO

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>Welfare epics
>50% Horde Blood Elf
>Flying Mounts
>Essence Farming

You're not going home

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but that was what TBC was, so he is going home

only really good part about tbc was the removal of the complete retarded world buffs

Only slime brains would wana kill illidan seriously again.

Every single epic in molten core is welfare lmao

Epic quality gear never meant a god damn thing unless you were a fucking shitter

Not gonna lie vanilla classic didn't live up to it's expectations but TBC will fix most the problems.

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sounds like modern soifaggot entitlement to me. they had the exact same complaints about vanilla and they never came true. 0/10

Arenas would probably suck pretty hard, given how autistic pvp rankers in classic are.

No the devs decided there would be no welfare epics because afking in a BG is punished.

hamster in wheel

Blood elf paladin blood knights are gonna be kino and looking forward to that again, gonna main that shit

How to fix TBC:

>arenas are now only 5v5
>introduce ranked BGs
>reduce heroic key rep to honored
>don't remove attunements
>add more reputation rewards, make the aldor/scryer thing really mean something

keep everything else as is

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/castsequence reset=3 Steady Shot, Auto Shot
/cast [exists,target=pettarget] Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()

proof that this expansion sucks ^


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>Welfare epics
right, because it's so hard to beat raids in classic. not like absolutely everyone standing around in capital cities aren't bis
>50% Horde Blood Elf
actual good criticism
>Flying Mounts
world pvp isn't what it was in 2005, so flying is now good
>Essence Farming
who gives a shit

Alliance horde ratio will get even worse. Arenas will be filled with shitters playing completely broken auto-win meta comps.

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>lmao don't tune PvE, bro
Classic is a living proof that not buffing PvE or changing boss mechanics is more harmful than good, especially when it's an MMO which has been solved for more than a decade.

people complained about this when classic was coming out.... but then raids started using druid MT's and ehn shamans. Its like everyone got past their compaqs and IBMs and started playing with modern PCs and theorycrafting.

stop using wojak for your shit game

lmao pure delusion nobody is using druids and shamans to tank. Classic is minmaxed to hell

It fucking irks me that they can’t just try new shit and experiment when the raids are really not that hard.
Why do we need to minmax the most casual MMO of all time?
Shit literally made me quit in WotLK because everybody wanted a paladin or death knight main tank and I couldn’t get spots as a prot warrior

shit maybe he is right. All I did back in tbc was farm kara and grind honor in bgs. I was just a dumb kid thats why I remember it so fondly

I cant wait to roll strong female blood elf paladin

no need to samefag

>why people want to do things properly instead of being "duuude i play 4 fun xD" shitters

No. But I can't wait to farm shitter at ISQD flight point with my ret bro.

s h i l l

Imagine being such a fucking cuck, you give current Blizzard money for a re-released game.

Its true though I was parroting tbc praise while shitting on classic and just now realize I dont even remember how the game was