Actually hardest boss in the game for me
how are you supposed to get past its protect barrier. I also try to count but some things i couldnt counter
Magic I think
>these niggers got filtered by Hell House
I'm so happy Hell House ended up as the superboss I wanted him to be. Dream come true.
I beat it but I honestly have no idea. I just spammed range attacks and barely survive by spamming pray. All the magic I used was getting absorbed or some shit like that. I hate this boss so much
this is unironically one of the scariest bosses in video games.
Think about it, a monster or a robot, no matter how big, still have some sort of weakness to strike at, be it biological or mechanical, but this is a fucking house. Sure, there’s a robot somewhere inside, but what are you gonna do, go inside to whack it? Whack at the walls with your sword? Even if you do something, they’re just walls, you’re not accomplishing anything.
it's not that hard, he had a cycling elemental weakness based on what powers he was using, and the shield doesnt counter magic attacks on the fucker's hands
Make sure you're using the assess command. It blatantly tells you to use the opposite magic element to whatever it's using.
The problem is that MPs are so fucking scarce in this game that casting more than 2-3 spells (at least that point in time) is unfeasible, especially if you want to keep some reserves for cure spells (god bless Pray). And even then IIRC I only had like wind and thunder during that fight because I don't keep all elements on my party at all time (let alone when there's only two people). AND on top of that it seemed like the boss was cycling elements faster than I could cast, and either miscast into an element they would absorb, or they would just interrupt me and make me waste my MP and ATB with nothing to show.
Nigger, i have more Ether's than Pheonix Down's, Firaga/Aeorga/Thundaga and Curaga by this point because nearly every single enemy in this game has an elemental weakness.
I never used items except phoenix downs, always saved them for later in case I really needed them
I think there's a huge unbalance in how ATB works, because spending an entire ATB bar to refill 10MP or some shit like that is just not enough, the bar charges way too slowly (unless you are hasted) and by the time it charges I'd rather use a proper ability than a spell/item unless I *really* have to. It turned my playthrough into basically just spamming Pray on barret/aeris 90% of the time while letting Tifa/Cloud go into auto-attack mode (occasionally switching to them for attack/combos) and then using abilities whenever they get the chance. It's even more annoying because bosses will almost only target the character you are controlling, and ATB generation on non-controlled characters is almost 0 because they just auto-attack at shit pace and don't use triangle skills at all, meaning you pretty much *have* to control your healer all the time AND also turn your healer into a tank because any other option is a bad option. You want to upkeep ATB as much as possible on your healer for those emergency heals (and don't want to get ATB-canceled while you are casting cura/ga), making every other play obsolete pretty much.
Can you change materia in the middle of a fight? If yes then holy shit I'm retarded.
Literary beat on first try. Git gud
He was the most difficult one for sure but I scraped by on my first attempt, just had to slow down and not spam any attacks. The normal difficulty of those game is really good.
You idiots dont uses assess?
I beat every bosses on my first try (haven't had a single game over), doesn't mean some of them weren't harder than others
Well, that's that, then.
Saving consumables “in case I need them later” is how you end up with 20 megalixirs after beating the final boss
Access LITERALLY tells you that the enemy has a cycling weakness. Cast ice if he's fire, fire if he's ice, wind if he's electric, electric if he's wind.
The ONLY bad thing about it is that he cycles through his weaknesses too fast at times and you end up casting a bunch of spells by mistake.
Fat Chocobo helped me a bunch. I got him on my third try.
I didnt have fat chocobo show up in my VR what the hell?
What is it called, assess? Whatever, the materia thing that shows you the enemy's weakness.
Do your battle intels son
>Have like 6 materia slots total
>Way more movement/stat boosting materia I want to level up than in the original
>Take minimal elemental materia into battles because I'd rather level up luck up and MP up for later
>Almost never need elemental materia anyway
>Boss that doesn't even make sense that it would be weak to anything but fire (it's made of fucking wood)
>15 mins into the battle until you realise you should have gone back and got a different materia loadout
>lol too late
>not hard, but literally 32 mins of tedious bullshit
I stopped playing after it. I don't even care about the rest of wall market now because everything takes a fucking hour longer for each task
>it's made of fucking wood
No it isn't, retard.
>FFags don't know how to exploit weaknesses
The push up pro is the hardest thing ingame
The ost during the colosseum was awesome in particular during and leading up to this fight
>lol too late
Load a save, autist.
There was definitely a severe lack of materia slots, even at endgame with fully leveled up weapons I was constantly shuffling things around and not managing to socket everything I wanted. It's a real shame, especially when you can't really explore synergies with linked materia that much.
Also fuck mastering all magic materias, I had to give up on Bahamut because it takes literal ages to master the revive materia and there's way better shit I want to carry with me.
15 mins in.
By the time you redo it, you'd have wasted as much time
I don't think I got stuck on any of the bosses really, but there were a few that I died to once or twice, but took me about 20 minutes to get to near the end of each time.
I died to Failed Experiment when it was on 1hp on my first try, then died twice more when it was on low health - so only died 3 times but it took about 80 minutes.