Alright, I'm sick to the gills of people BSing about Zack in FF7 Remake so let's get a few things straight. He cannot possibly be alive in the 'official' timeline because a) Cloud still has his memories of being a SOLDIER and b) still has his sword. Ergo, he must've died later or is alive in another timeline separate from Cloud's. In either case, he probably can't change the broad plot of the game, retroactively or otherwise.
Alright, I'm sick to the gills of people BSing about Zack in FF7 Remake so let's get a few things straight...
he's alive in the crisis core 2 dlc releasing this summer
you fucking moron or he dropped him at the station tifa picks him up with the sword. the only reason biggs is alive is cause of zack
he's alive now
Then how did Cloud get his memories? Again, you just can't just put Zack back in without erasing Cloud's current personality.
In an alternate timeline that Cloud/Aerith may have created, yes. But we still don't know if that's going to stick or if Nomura will use it to reinforce the message of 'letting go is better'.
When Tifa met Cloud his Jenova cells acted on instinct and created a personality that took parts from Tifa's childhood memories of him and his interactions with Zack to form the basis of how a confident SOLDIER should behave.
the whole point is that the defeat of the time ghosts fucked up everything beyond repair
if they want you to see zack interacting with the group, you'll see zack. this is nomura, post-ffx 2.5 nojima, and toriyama of lightning saga fame that we're talking about
In that case, they wouldn't have needed to show the crisp-packet with a different Stamp and this debate wouldn't even be happening, but here we are. Zack's survival is almost certainly not in the main continuity because it creates paradoxes that only the most egregious writer's fiat could possibly fix. Also, it's not just Nomura behind this remake, but the original writers and producers too, so I have some hope they'll hash it all out instead of trampling their previous work into the mud.
I was part of an exclusive interview my company had with Nomura just last week. I think I'm allowed to tell you that Nomura plans for Zack to be alive in the remake, and he will join the party as a fully playable character. The Whispers of Fate definitely have a lot to do with this, but you'll just have to play episode 2 to find out how.
Please tell me this is true. I'm a die-hard FF7 fan (played it the first time in 2015, then played it again in 2018.) I wanted nothing more than Zack to be actually alive and to join the party. This is my actual dream come true, thank you so much Nomura. Also, is it true that Aerith will live in this version? I can't wait to find out!
Can you imagine? Best party - Cloud, Zack, Aerith. The main three. This sends chill's of excitement down my spine knowing that I can finally play Aerith until the end. She deserves to know that her magic worked.
Nice asspull, it doesn't show any of that in the remake.
t. just completed it 10min ago
Based trufans, let us rejoice that we may finally get our FF7 what if dreams come true
And? This won't have major ramifications to the story somehow? Are you a fucking idiot?
you'll come to terms with it eventually
>join the party
Even Nomura wouldn't want two Cloud-archetypes in the party, especially with how many cast members are going to join (if Cait's in, then everybody's in).
>the Whispers of Fate
That just got eliminated? Isn't that a contradiction?
how can you be a die hard ff7 fan and want zack (or aerith) to be alive
Remember that it's called FF7 "Remake" and not FF7 "Exact-1-to-1-Remaster." Get that into you're thick skull first.
Secondly; I like how everyone thinks that these days it's impossible to have multiple different endings in the exact same storyline. It's not a new concept: it's been around for years to come. Look it up, it's called "choose you're own adventure." So there can be several different timelines and they can all be technically canon, so for those of us who really didn't sit well with Aerith's deaths, we can "finally" relive our version of the "fantasy"
shut the fuck up
I've already come to terms, so don't be patronising. Nomura can pull whatever fancy shit he wants as long as it concludes with Cloud beating Sephiroth and protecting the planet, as it should. If he messed with even THAT, though, then I'll be first in line to boycott him and Square in general.
It had to have been another timeline. Remember you're at the crossroads of desinty at that point. Also Zack had just won the battle BEFORE the time jannies got dispersed. I don't think he'll be alive in any meaningful sense in the next episodes but they may have his alternate timeline where he lives play out parallel to the "new" FF7 story, it will probably play a role in how Aerith is saved.
"Ohhh, Sephiroth beats Cloud, slays the party and destroys the planet with Meteor! SO UNEXPECTED, we're definitely going with this" -Tetsuya Nomura
Because we've had that story for 20+ fucking years and want something new, the possibility to change how things play out? Clearly this game isn't for you. Go play original FF7 for 20 years you retarded zoomer.
A lot of the confusion is arising from the fact that Crisis Core retconned how Zack died. In the original FF7 flashback Zack is gunned down by Shinra troops.
In Crisis Core, Zack faces down and defeats the Shinra troops, but is shot in the back afterwards.
The flashback/ghosts of our past scene at the end of FF7R shows the Crisis Core ending - Zack defeats the soldiers, walks toward Cloud, and the vision cuts away right before when he would have been shot in the Crisis Core version of events. The point of the scene isn't to show Zack living, it's the Stamp poster - to show definitively that the past has changed and this is a different timeline. This is hammered in by Biggs waking up in a bed, bandaged but alive, with Jessie's glove on the night stand.
The entire purpose is to illustrate to players that continuity is in flux, and the way the game went originally is not how the game is going to go this time. Whether that means they play the other parts like this one - as a permutation of the original - or go completely batshit crazy remains to be seen. I suspect it means they're going to play around with a lot of alpha/concept idea's.
Nomura claims at one point he suggested that Tifa dies, bu that couldn't be true because Tifa wasn't even concepted until they decided Aerith would die.
Watch them kill Tifa
Cloud doesn't have "his" memories. He didn't fucking MIND STEAL. Cloud creates a PERSONA based on what he saw of SOLDIERs and of Zack and assumes it as his own; and this happens all in a subconscious level, as Cloud himself is unaware of it.
I never was in SOLDIER.
I made up the stories about what happened to me five years ago, about being in SOLDIER.
I left my village looking for glory, but never made it in to SOLDIER......
I was so ashamed of being so weak; then I heard this story from my friend Zack...
And I created an illusion of myself made up of what I had seen in my life......
And I continued to play the charade as if it were true.
Where did you get this information? It's not mentioned or shown in the game at all. The only person you see Zack rescue is Cloud, which is strongly implied to have happened in the past.
this, it's DLC bait. People bitching about the sanctity of the plot forget when they were 13 a lot of people wanted to save Aerith, and would've paid money to do so.
And now you're going to get your chance. $19.99 to save Aerith mode. An Alternate scenario. You do love your waifu, don't you user. DON'T YOU?
I love the drama. I love losing her.
That is what I signed up for. Not this stupid Avengers Endgame Weebtrash where we can just go back in time and save everyone that ever died
There's a lot of new shit in the game already but the story has pretty much stuck to the original plot thus far, that's all most people wanted, the same story just with extra bits
They finally remake FF7 and its a completely different story? why not give it a new shitty title like 'what if' or just make ff16?
>I love losing her
That makes you a cuck! Only cuckolds want to lose their waifu! You're not a cuckold are you user!!? Save Aerith only 29.99
>when they were 13 a lot of people wanted to save Aerith
People wrote endlessly and bullshitted about this for over a decade.
All anyone wanted was a visual update with the story/script untouched. It would have made fuckloads of money.
But I guess Nomura and Kitase can't think without bad anime tropes.
2bh if SE gave two fucks about the integrity of FFVII they wouldn't have made any of the shitty spin off books, movies or games.
The Compilation already tainted it, and Part 1 has fucked it beyond repair. Might as well go full ham on it now.
exactly, and now those people are empty lived late 20 early 30 somethings who will drop stacks to do it
Final Fantasy VII ReBUILD
user unless you were a underdeveloped 12-13 year old you eventually realizing that it was a crucial point in the story and that her revival would have been interesting from a gameplay point of view but would actually hurt the overall story.
Reviving as a gameplay mechanic is alright to not make a BS game. But reviving as a narrative element usually makes for piss poor stories unless the means of revival is a big part of the story (which applies to time travel as well)
You know the funny part? A lot of animes that are not marketed exclusively for children now have better writing than the JRPGs that try to emulate them.
>They finally remake FF7 and its a completely different story? why not give it a new shitty title like 'what if' or just make ff16?
Because it's not a completely different story? It's the original story with no fixed destiny. A plot element like that is meaningless unless there's player choice in how things play out.
Thus Final Fantasy's, and thus Squeenix's, continued decline into irrelevancy.
I'm happy I got to experience the original game, but all good things must come to an end.
Go fuck yourself you ultrashill troll nigger
What this means is he's in another timeline. they're going to milk this shit with fucking idiotic nomura spin offs instead of the proper remake we asked for.
1.there will be a shitty spinoff game with zack alive as the hero.
2. there will be a shitty spinoff game with cloud as the hero but no open world or FF7 story continuation. just more retarded bullshit.
3.the cloud and gang we see at the end may not even be the ones we played as in FF7R.
they may have all died at the edge of creation and FF7R was just a pointless game to justify some shitty alternate timeline spin offs.
think of the worst outcome possible and this the kind of retarded low quality shit square are letting nomura do.