They ruined Tifa here

She's downright annoying with her angst, in the original she was described as "bright and optimistic".
I get they pushed for CloudxAerith so fucking hard this time for fanservice reasons but there was no way to turn Tifa into an angsty, hyper-jealous bitch.
And before you say she was always jealous in the original, no she expresses her jealousy only once in the Shinra building prison and never again in the entire compilation.

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yes this was so cringey to watch Tifa being portrayed this way especially knowing how much squeff is trying way too hard to glorify an unappealing prostitute.

They are probably doing this to kill Tifa off instead too, dumbasses.

Why are you so mad tho? Don't tell me you have feelings for a fictional character that's so lame.

What the fuck re you talking about? Tifa was great in this game. The moment they hugged was KINO.

Gondola ride and Temple of the Ancients. Ifyou wantto squint: "She seems all right, many ways. in more ways than one." after Tifa rejoins the party with Aerith in Hojo's lab.
>entire Compilation
"Have we lost to our memories?!" in AC

Secondly Tifa is the depressive Celes of VII. When you start to play her post-Meteor it starts with her saying in her thoughts that she was always troubled and depressed. Around Cosmo Candle she's forlorn. The bouncy optimism was always a facade, in Gold Saucer when Red XIII is frightened she's screaming for him to be strong, because she's under immense pressure. What the Remake is fucking up is not her being angsty per se (although they do go overboard), but the fact that she shows it a all. She's supposed to be Lockhart, bottling all that in ad never letting it show.

It's gonna be Cloud/Tifa
Screencap this

This, I'm glad more people are starting to notice, she's such a downer all the time. This is not the Tifa I remember.
"Cloud, you're hurting me" Oh fuck off, way to ruin their best moment together.

>Cloud, you're hurting me
Sometimes a man can love his waifu a little too much, user.

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Why did the devs make two girls instead of one then? What were they trying to prove by shipping two characters together? What do they Gain sborough from pissing off half of their fanbase?

They did this in Borderlands 3 by killing off Maya too. Why do scriptwriters have such a hardon for killing off popular characters anyway, all that does is discourage people from wanting to buy your product in the future because now you removed their chance of playing their favorite characters.

Her "jealousy" in the original FF was more of an approving one, as she understood that Aerith was the perfect girl and couldn't really oppose that.

Here, she's more on the tone of "who the fuck is this bitch, you belong TO ME" in her jealousy.

>that arm


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I never realized how buff Cloud is compared to Tifa

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>Here, she's more on the tone of "who the fuck is this bitch, you belong TO ME" in her jealousy.
True enough. There's that difference. I'm very much not a fan of how they are portraying her either. Or the others.

She's just such an awkward character. They try so hard to show her as this badass fighter but then they also want her to have all these meek 'oh save me cloud' moments. I honestly can't pin down what she's supposed to be.

>yes this was so cringey to watch Tifa being portrayed this way especially knowing how much squeff is trying way too hard to glorify an unappealing prostitute.
>They are probably doing this to kill Tifa off instead too, dumbasses.

Not gonna happen. Nomura fucking loves Tifa. There's a reason why KH Cloud has virtually no interaction with Aerith but has an entire subplot with Tifa in KH2.
Nomura, the man who directed Advent Children, a story about Cloud finally letting go of Aerith but also look he's living with Tifa and they sleep in the same room.
Nomura himself was the man who suggested "Hey what if Tifa became the main heroine after we kill Aerith". Originally Tifa's role in FFVII was going to be much less important until Nomura championed otherwise.
Nomura is the one who redesigned Tifa and turned her into his ideal Japanese woman in this remake.

There are a lot of things this man will fuck with in regards to Tifa. Killing her is not something he'll let happen.
I wouldn't be surprised if the utter madman is only bringing Zack back, knowing full well how much backlash and hatred it would get, just so he could shove Aerith onto him and leave Tifa with Cloud.

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Tifa wasn't even like this in Advent Children either.

I always liked the subtley of that scene. She says that to Red XIII, but it’s really directed to herself and her feelings.

she is supposed to be like Casca a female warrior who always gets raped and needs to be rescued. Which is absolute elder god Waifu tier

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>Just finished the remake

Mad that they didn't introduce Red XIII with him getting ready to hump Aerith. Pretty good otherwise.

It's true and quite frankly annoying. This even starts before she even knows about Aerith: in the original she just happily accepts the flower, here she's immediatly suspicious about Cloud giving her one, insinuating that he got it from a girl. Later she even confirms she LOOKED UP on the flower, it's the equivalent of a jealous bitch stalking you on social media.

>Cloud, you're hurting me
Yeah thats because Cloud was holding her tight . Think about what that means if you can do that with your small brain.

A character can have moments of strength and weakness, user. That being said, its kinda pointless to show Cloud being her savior all the time, it takes away from the two moments he really was her hero. But I guess they're just not gonna bother with those moments in the remake considering the changes.

The remake already went so heavy with the Cloud and Tifa stuff that I'm starting to think, that they might make them bone already in next part or they really wanna kill her off

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you seem kinda insane

Red x Aerith is shit.
Even Nanaki himself said so in game. Just in a subtle way.
>I wouldn't want you, we're of a different species
Was just him being nice instead of saying
>Why would I want you? Look at the milk tanks on the mini skirt. That's a pussy to rut in. The second chocobo hair man turns his back I will knot this bitch so hard and so long she'll forget her own name and I'll forget why I hate my father and my erection is gone nevermind maybe later I hate you Seto you mental cock block buzzkill.

there is no way they eve kill her they just want to make it more clear that Cloud feelings for Tifa from the start.

They made that scene more disturbing, with Hojo suggesting having SOLDIERs raping Aerith.
In the original the AerithxRed thing was supposed to be borderline comical, but SOLDIERs inseminating her comes off as creepy as fuck.

>turn Tifa into an angsty, hyper-jealous bitch.
Yeah, that was kinda annoying.

>that they might make them bone already in next part or they really wanna kill her off

This time when Aerith dies it's going to be saving her from Sephiroth, taking the blade for her.
Notice how during this first episode in Midgar alone, the two are constantly saving each other. Even in spite of the obvious jealousy, the two became quick friends.
They're basically Betty and Veronica to Cloud's Archie. Only both of them are Betty.

>Red x Aerith is shit

Wholeheartedly agree. Just mad that wasn't how Red was introduced. I'm fine with him not wanting Aerith. I know where Red XIII wants to hide his lipstick.

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Getting that feeling too. Otherwise what would be the point of the time changing shit that's making changes from the original to this version, leads me to believe that Aerith will survive but leads to Tifa's dying as a big "oh shit" moment because they can't replicate that again with Aerith .

>"Cloud, you're hurting me" Oh fuck off, way to ruin their best moment together.
So was she supposed to remain quiet until her spine snapped?

>borderline comical
>dog on human rape is somehow a joke
>less disturbing than human on human rape

>Her "jealousy" in the original FF was more of an approving one, as she understood that Aerith was the perfect girl and couldn't really oppose that.
Not really. She was always somewhat jealous of Aerith yeah but she never showed it. This is where the remake is messing up stuff.

It's only fair that Tifa is allowed to get jealous, since Cloud is also getting jealous on her behalf

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user they already had that "Oh shit moment" in this episode with Barret (The one who was originally supposed to die in the OG game) and they immediately undid it with time jannies.
Nomura isn't killing his waifu.

Nomura-san loves Tifa-chan too much to ever let her getting hurt.

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>oh save me cloud'
She saves Cloud's ass more times than I could count in the remake as well.

I really hope Red XIII and Barret continue this whole being crabby at each other thing for the rest of the series.

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No, because the first thing Nanaki does when he gets out is say "I was merely pretending. I was not going to rape you. I am a wolfcat. How would that even work. You do nothing for me you two legged weirdo"

If Cloud and friends didn't show up, Nanaki still wouldn't have done it. He just saw an opportunity with their arrival to act the part causing them to break them out.
That minute of gross tension is immediately extinguished the second Nanaki speaks and is polite and eloquent.

But SOLDIER's raping Aerith? That 100% would have happened no matter what has team Cloud not shown up.

devs watched too much team4star

I doubt they even know they exist.

Except she is like that in the original game?

The manual literally told you back in 1997 she would be lost without Cloud and is deathly afraid of telling him how she feels for him despite her lying to him throughout the story and feeling guilt for treating him like shit for many years as a kid before he moved away.

Working things out with him is literally the only thing she has in her life other than the bar and working with Avalanche. And you literally get to see her following through on her character development finally when she falls into the Lifestream with Cloud in Mideel.

She is always jealous around Aerith but restrains herself several times, even contemplating once she didn't want to get in their way. Play the fucking original game and find out for yourself before deciding what the characters should or shouldn't be.

that's because this isn't Final Fantasy 7: Remake

It's Advent Children: The Game

this sounds like a really shitty fanfiction

In the original FFVII Hojo is estabilished at first like a cartoony mad scientist, with quirks like expecting that Aerith and Red could breed and him getting a tan in a labcoat in Costa Del Sol. It's only late in the game that we become aware of the monster he is.

However now that it's been estabilished that Hojo is a nutcase instead of playing his long-gone comedic side they correctly chose to make him even more revolting than he was. Suggesting that Aerith should reproduce with SOLDIERs, including SEPHRITOH OF ALL PEOPLE, definitely trumps the attempted Red XIII thing.

>feeling guilt for treating him like shit for many years

fuck outta here

user that's not fan fiction.
That's the actual character arc for Tifa
That's not even compilation charactrt arc for Tifa.
That's OG FFVII.

>and feeling guilt for treating him like shit for many years as a kid before he moved away
Stopped reading here.

>in the original game
I know, because I've been playing it since 1998.
You clearly did not understand what forcefully breeding a woman with a different species specimen meant. Hojo then immediately tried to kill you with a bioweapon.

>he manual literally told you back in 1997 she would be lost without Cloud
The original game was at fault for this desu.
It seemed she was doing fine without him for 5 years before he showed up again and her world flips upside down.
This is take up to 11 when Cloud falls into a coma and she abandons everyone and everything to look after him, she acts like his mother as time desu which is the point of her character.

Tifa never treated Cloud badly she was just a little girl and Cloud was a weirdo who thought he was tough shit, this isn't naruto, the things that let up to Clouds mental break down are nobodies fault in particular except Shinra of course life just dealt him a bad hand but in the end through Tifas help he was able to come to terms with who he really is and kept moving on.