Yfw 1 HP, 1 MP, all your party members are dead and have no items left

>yfw 1 HP, 1 MP, all your party members are dead and have no items left

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based and dare i say rumipilled

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>shitty protagonist ruins the title for you despite the good content

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>yfw 1 HP, 1 MP, all your party members are dead and have no items left
>Its scripted

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>Successfully avoid all damage and proceed to win anyway

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>yfw 1 HP, 1 MP, all your party members are dead and have no items left
>Its scripted

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What, he still got fucked up in the end. How can you say that when he was barely standing?

>the day of the 7 commences
>now the content's bad too

this is the exact point I stopped reading the manga

>Try to prepare for the Electric Gym on Pokemon White
>Grab a Sandile from the surrounding region
>tfw it's so low-level I cba to grind for it
>"whatever, I'll just breeze through the gym on my other pokemon"
>Every single other pokemon gets fucking hammered
>This wee fucking crocotoddler steamrolls through all opposition despite being underleveled
That was wild.

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gen 5 was so based, truly the last time gamefreak bothered trying

I want Deku's ass

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>mfw 1 HP

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Never seen Hero Academia.
Is it Fairy Tale levels of shit or more like One Piece/Naruto levels of shit?

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The writing is pretty good for a Shonen manga. It's more serious than One Piece though, I would compare it more to Naruto. I suggest just reading the first issue, you'll know pretty quickly if you like it or not.

pic related

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It's like Naruto x Tiger & Bunny

>playing Star Ocean 4
>seriously underleveled
>friend tells me final boss is a pushover, not to worry
>get to final boss, first form is easy
>second form proceeds to rip my asshole apart
>strategy at this point is running around with the healer using revive to bring back 1 party member and then switching to them to deal damage

>no items
>no health
>no MP
>healer finally dies
>down to my last character
>the boss finally goes down

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>1HP, no MP
>return all the damage you took, effectively nuking everyone around you

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>use a move that uses up all your HP

>electric gym didn't even have moves to deal with ground types
What a dumb slutbitch.

Usually a leader will have a couple of moves that will fuck you up.

>2 Emolga
also I remember doing the same, she kept using volt switch on Zebstrika on my ground type pokémon

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The only way that the "gym" systems in pokemon games make sense is if you assume that the leaders are intentionally holding back, using weak low level monsters and a single type to encourage the small children who visit to learn how to use type advantages. This is even somewhat confirmed because in some games you can rematch with gym leaders and they have better teams at higher level.
That solution only kind of works for the games, though. In the manga and anime the gym leaders actually seem like they're trying which is pretty pathetic since they're apparently too retarded to XP grind or use basic strategies

I just give up and restart

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>uses endeavor
nothing personal, kid

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sorry pal, you don't even get the chance to live this turn

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What an unepic gamer moment xd