Offilne game cannot be paused

>Offilne game cannot be paused

Attached: 39f0bfae603d2967fc6d2f5f34bd66f9.jpg (474x557, 23.03K)

>Online game can be paused

Attached: 1586768058685.png (253x180, 54.23K)

Just press the system menu button.

>system menu button
>On pc
Not everyone is a pleb like you, consoletard.

So you cant pause an offline game on pc with a simple press? Bwaha what a joke

Enjoy paying for games, faggot cunt.

>can't pause game to look at files offline
>place lore-important memos in timed areas while you're being chased/attacked

Attached: 563590-554411_20040505_044.jpg (635x418, 50.85K)

Dead Space and ???

>Pause game cannot be onlined

Attached: 1548855723807.gif (382x308, 1.47M)

Drak SOuls

>Self destruct sequence initiated! 5 minutes until meltdown!
>The timer continues to count down in the pause menu

Attached: 1586731044890.jpg (820x820, 46.22K)

Name one game.

>alt tabbing out of the game does not pause the game but just mutes the game sound
>come back to the game and see your character dead on the floor

This is truly hell

dying light
>all player open inventory at the same time
>game actually pauses

Newer winter nights 2. :^)
Dota 2. :^(

GoldSrc/Source multiplayer games had admin commands to pause the server

Is that the best you could come up with? Obviously you're a poor ESL in a 3rd world country. You could have at least made fun of me for double dipping to play online with xbox live, psn, or nintendo online. Especially when the online is often peer-to-peer but console consumers are too dumb to realize what a ridiculous premise that is

>all this coping

Age of Empires 2

>Can only reply in buzzwords
I'm starting to suspect all the low effort shit posting and terrible bait is just third worlders who can't form an original sentence without outing themselves as retards

>paused game cannot be unpaused

Attached: 1573520380113.png (620x765, 91.55K)

>le coupé

>replying seriously to bait
you're an even bigger retard than him

I was baiting, but he was also coping. Lmao.


There must be some kind of equivalent to it right?

Only if you use Steam but who the fuck pays for games on PC?


imagine having the mindset of a 12 year old console war faggot

>what is a windows key
zoomer detected

dota 2, AOM, COUNTER STRIKE, just 3 I had on the tip of my tounge

Alright Yas Forums, name ONE game where an enemy bypasses the pause screen. Only one enemy, where otherwise the game should be fully paused.

postal 2