Aaahh.... just like the developers intended

Aaahh.... just like the developers intended....

Attached: 1584686372728.jpg (4608x2184, 1.93M)

That filter is fucking atrocious

>TV over mantle

Attached: zp1nn2ys6rl41.gif (368x640, 1M)

what am I looking at?

>those scanlines
jesus why

A disgusting scanlines filter made by someone who doesn't know how CRTs work (nor has ever seen any working).


Get your TV down from there man, this whole situation is just butt ugly.

Could of fooled me. I thought it was someone where every 15th row was dead on screen and they are living in their parent's basement

Why did you put Venetian blinds in front of your TV?

Attached: 018b639c3a0fd77673c6ce97a763e166_215537b0_1280.jpg (648x580, 97.38K)

The strechted aspect ratio disturbs me more.

yup, that's one SOULFUL and KINO setup you got there op.

the developers probably intended for you to not play it at all after a certain point

>could of

Very based.

Attached: 20190403_152815.jpg (3024x4032, 2.65M)

You're almost ready OP just put on a pair of these and you're set for an authentic experience.

Attached: WhiteFrame_Red-Cyan3D_937px_large_wide_test_2b292ff0-8e64-4ba3-9d71-66d3ebe03d3d.jpg (648x612, 13.56K)

>expert in basement tech
double cringe


>those scanlines

>Half of the posters in here don't get the joke; point out problems
>Half of the posters in here don't get the joke; don't even notice any problems

Every single one of you here bar the OP is a fucking retard, holy shit.

Hey nigga, shut the FUCK up, faggot bitch!

Attached: wertr4.png (858x798, 701.49K)

I play my retro games on a projector

Attached: 1583029537194.webm (1280x720, 960.27K)

Attached: 1332127286686.png (339x285, 76.62K)

Everybody gets the joke.

Then they should have made a Mario game that even comes close to it.

>Gamestop branded controller

Promptly Kill yourself OP

You sure about that OP?


Nice. Everything is wrong in this pic.

Cumtown represent

scanlines look like they're drawn on the tv with a marker

legit question what's the appeal of listening to these fags for hours on end?

Hey, come see me in Dinosaur Land and suck my little musherino