I love how millennials ruined video games yet they blame everyone else for it

I love how millennials ruined video games yet they blame everyone else for it

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millennial hands typed this post

Why would millenials do that? They have a sense of accountability, ya know.

Couldn't agree more, even as a zoomer the Millennial era gaming industry was fucking bad. We're only just starting to see a recovery.

ok boomer


millennials ruined TV, zoomers ruined video games

Hmmm, not a nice thing say...


Millennials are the new boomers.


Arigato user-kun

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millennials just started making games now though, and indie games for the most part
you can't ruin something just by playing it

Laugh tracks ruined tv


Don’t worry OP, they’re fucked for life with this second economic crises.We will laugh at last.

How exactly did "we" ruin games? You talking about the "woke crowd" ? Since they also created good/decent. Zoomers will objectively ruin games even harder if that the case considering "their" taste in vidya. Might wanna narrow the window a bit, because an entire generation is alot of people to bunch up together.

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What? I loved my old cartoons, I want them back you take that back! I stopped watching TV when they started showing more and more live action nonsens over actual cartoons.

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What you're seeing is low-T faggot millenials ruining it and high-T faggots yelling at them to stop.

>Boomers killed the economy and hope for any life on the planet 200 years from now
>Millenials ruined society and any hope for reason and logic 200 years from now
But zoomers, zoomer ruined my vidya, they're the worst out of all of them!

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High-T faggot millenials*

>Millennial era
So games such as...?

Doesnt help that a faggot millenial gave the internet twitter so a bunch of people can have their lives ruined by no name trolls.

Most, of which, I believe are zoomers REEing.

No, publishers wanted profit growth every year forever so they made sure the standards for the new generation were really fucking low. You can't really blame these kids when it's all they've known. It's the people who are ~30 or older who still buy this shit up even though they DO know better.

I'll bite. What years are the "Millennial era" and how did millennials ruin it?

t. zoomer

Post 2005 was awful

29 here. Nah my nigga I got good taste. Preordered Ys Celceta remastered and am playing Y's 8 until then

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Well you're still there, most designers are either going to be boomers or millenials for the next 20 years or so with one or two zoomers potentially pitching in but probably never making big choices on the whol design. The "muh woke, 0 game design all politics" branch is gonna dye off because of "capitalistic natural selection" the ones that can actually make games will hang in there because the gameplay can actually convince people to put up with them and the rest are just doing what games normally do, which is ignore pandering to media and focus on pandering to people who actually play their games, within reason.

Millennials are responsible for that how?

I love how the younger generation has a boner for blaming everybody but themselves like a bunch of unaware self righteous parasites who contribute nothing and accomplish nothing

>We're only just starting to see a recovery
Are you retarded? 8th gen is the worst gen yet, 9th will most likely be even worse.

>Good taste
Is gaming at 30 fps in good taste?

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Ok boomer.


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Agreed, except nothing is preventing those same kids from acknowledging quality classic gaming quickly and easily.

Only movies and part of music; everything else went to shit later when generation began to shift.

>Gen 8
>Microsoft gave up
>Sony became literally video game Satan
>Nintendo blundered so hard they had to release a new console early
this is not a recovery

t.assblasted millennial who accomplished nothing LOL

If you have a job, you contribute and accomplish.

>even as a zoomer the Millennial era gaming industry was fucking bad.
The only "recovery" is by bringing back previous generations' IPs.

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I approve of all gaming across all platforms, as such I must shun all producers that hostage games on specific platforms, when they very well could make the game for all current platforms.

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Only the "profitable" ones, though. You liked a game that didn't sell 10 million copies? Tough shit.

>You liked a game that didn't sell 10 million copies?
That's profitable. 10 million is a high ceiling, 5 millions or so would be more accurate.

I love how you have a penis in your asshole and yet you claim you’re not gay
