Day 5


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Is this a video game reference?

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Stop being a faggot and wait for the release

but op thinks he has a chance of being good at a video game because he gets to play before everyone else!

>Friend that spent the least time watching got it before everybody else

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The car keys that are lodged firmly up my ass are of more value than Valorant's beta access key, OP.

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I uninstalled it after an hour. It's boring and far worse than other games

Valorant. A new Counterstrike rip-off which appeals to autists with it's bright, colourful characters.

I've unironically gotten 2 keys that ive not used, game fucking sucks

>needs a riot account

You mean the one that install chink spyware onto your machine that's on literally all the time under the guise of being an anti-cheat measure?

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>look up gameplay
>super slow
>terrible visuals
>every character makes a wall that's a different color
>games are 30 minutes
Literally who the fuck is this for?

All these fake hype train-ish

bull shit

Every day

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op is a faggot check this 5


Based, checked and redpilled

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yes, that one.

It's fun. People are just mad they can't play it because they're literal lucklets.

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It looks super shit, but everyone acts like this will be the next Fortnite, and looking at how popular is it on twitch it might just be true. I will not even download it desu

>counter-strike rip of made by chinks
why would anyone but chinks want to play this garbage

>Friend who never plays PC games and only owns a shit laptop got a code day 2 and I still don't have shit

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>tfw got 2 keys

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Kids who want to follow hype trains

what do you like about it?

It's not popular because it's fun or interesting to watch. It's because Riot is paying top streamers to play it and tying beta keys to watching. Children would watch Summit sitting still in a chair for 12 hours and everyone wants exclusive access. The game is trash and as soon as people aren't paid to play it anymore it will die.

Enjoy your rootkit.

Imagine wanting to install a mix of cs and overwatch (two awful shooters) that also installs kernel-level botnet active even after you shut down the game

>made by Riot
cancer confirmed

reminder that this game was only getting about 4k views until they enabled key drops.

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Don't believe these fuckers. There are no keys in the physical sense. Your Riot account is either white-listed to play, or it's not.

>getting excited for Chinkter Strike: ASSFAGGOTS Edition

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Are you genuinely retarded?

just try it when it releases, its free to play

good guy vanguard not only protecting valorant but all games
bet its running 24/7 flagging accounts of people who cheat in other games

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