how was this allowed
How was this allowed
Reminder this is the only remaining paid DLC for payday 2
Who would disallow it? Do you want a Bureau of Vidya? That sounds pretty censorious, user.
Well... They are Jewish...
I also thought this was just an April fools or a shitpost. Did they actually go through with it?
Because ethan is a massive man baby stereotypical coin hungry jew
> how was this allowed
Why are you pretending to be a tough guy?
People live their lives and some of them don't give a shit about irrelevant stuff like this.
And while you being the tough guy you are were sniffing your own farts out of boredom some people keep doing things and horrible things
What the fuck is wrong with his chin? Is that a tranny on the left
[citation needed]
he won
at first it was to cover the costs of that time ethan got sued but that shit didnt went through so ethan just coined everything
>everyone who criticized him is now irrelevant or a laughing stock
the long game paid off
Its his wife hila and yes its an actual female its just that the in-game model ended up being absolute dogshit
she doesn't look much better for real, but the model did her even worse
he totally fucking won
he’s getting around 300k+ views everyday and if he has most of his videos monitized he’s making a living
H3 used to be great, now with the podcast we get to see Ethan's true colors, and he's just as big an asshole as the people he used to rag on.
I will never underestimate chinlets again
Ethan is such an obnoxious, self aggrandizing cunt.
He's spent his whole career mocking people, and now he's convinced himself that he's the arbitrator of morality who casts judgement on the lowly peasants.
Those 2 idubbbz videos he made recently just cemented that he's an obsessed copelord. There are no winners.
>Please donate we are barely surviving
>next video is a tour of their commifornia mansion and $100k studio for podcasts that suck dick and put people to sleep
Ethan's a fucking asshole who screws others over for his own selfish gain, and his wife is a yesman that looks like a transsexual vampire.
There. There's your celeb thread, now fuck back off to kiwifarms and circlejerk while gossiping about an internet funnyman there.
I've never understood the appeal of these two. Why do people watch them?
Ah, the daily jewish marketing thread that retarded jannies refuse to delete because it's loosely related to a videogame
I don't keep up with ecelebs, what dies Tetra have to do with idubbz?
People liked them back in 2016. Once his podcast started, everyone dropped him. Most people think he’s an obnoxious cunt today
some autistic retard used it as his avatar and apparently got BTFO'd so hard he left
IIRC he made videos where he told fake stories about doing drugs & parties and shit overlayed on CSGO surfing footage
Okay, but I didn't understand it in 2016 either. I got sent one of their videos years ago and it was at best boring and at worst intolerably smug.
He genuinely seemed nice back then. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy who screams “fuck the rich” from his $10 million mansion, treats his staff like shit live, or call himself an Uber chad while being fat with grey hair and wearing shirts made for toddlers because he has a 4/10 wife