Game is comfy

>game is comfy
>until you get into combat
Getting witcher 3 vibes from this.

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play on a lower difficulty

personally it was a lot more complex than that
>combat is really uncomfortable and shitty in the beginning
>gets much better once you get accustomed to it
>loops back into complete garbage once you truly figure it out
still love the game though
there's also apparently a good mod for the combat, will try it on my next playthrough

There’s no denying it. Combat didn’t work out. I use Archery as much as I can to avoid Swordplay. I would unironically prefer Elder Scrolls combat instead

heard combat is quite shit
especially due to lockon
no where as nice as combat in mordhau

I got sekiro vibes.
>combat system perfect for 1v1
>game keeps throwing groups of enemies at you

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That game is shit full of LGBT crap and feminism, fuck it.

>Witcher 3

Just play AC:O
Egypt or Greek, take your pick

>first person view
disgusting as fuck

just like rea life you mong. You cant fight 2/3guys and win. Besides late game you can become a tank.

What's the mod? I might replay the game - I loved my first playthrough when I got it for free on Epic but I bought it to support the devs on Steam and it was tempting to go back in.

You are supposed to suck dicks in combat until you get proper training and level up. Then only thing that can threaten you is multiple opponents with good gear and skills. They actually handled this shit quite well, only problem is combo being useless because you don't need them to kill weak enemies, but strong enemies always parry you before you execute 4 hits you need.

Tried both and had fun for 5-10 hours until it became repetitive.
Looking forward to see if the next game with vikings will be any different.

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western cant into action combat
it's fact

There are some non-combat changes as well but you can install it without them

I never understood how to fight in this game and I lose every fight pretty much.

It's mostly wait for enemy to attack, perfect block and punish them.
But first you need to grind combat training for 1-2 hours until you can wield a weapon that actually hurts enemies.


Can this run on a circa 2016 PC that can run any game that came out on ps3/xbox360?

On low settings possibly, but it's cryengine so expect your pc to scream.

Wait until someone attacks
Perfect parry
That's it, that's the best way to fight in this game, by not attacking ever.

Played 50% of this game without realizing i was supposed to harass the tutorial guy until you learn everything, don't play the game like this dumbass user over here

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>overwatch faggot
>is a fucking pleb
ay everytime.

>Witcher 3 Combat
This shit kills it for me, I know the game has amazing world building but every fight being shit with Gerald jumping around like a retard is so annoying. GoW and From combat just killed everything generic for me

>putting this garbage anywhere near souls
you don't know anything about combat in videogames

Combat gets easier once your character stops sucking dick and levels up the relevant skills.
Early on everyone will be able to constantly push and pull you.

All GoW games had amazing combat, the old ones had great action combat and you are either a retard or never played nu-GoW and just spew shit you saw on Yas Forums to think it had bad combat.
It was satisfying, responsive and had enough depth to be enjoyable and customizable.

>if I say words like "satisfying" and "responsive" I'm immediately right
GOW games, new or old, has always had castrated stiff depthless non-combat developed with the flash over substance philosophy, much like the rest of those games' mechanics.
The fact that you don't know that GOW has always been a shallow dmc knock off tells it all.

You could have just said you haven't played the new god of war. Dumb weeaboo

>every fight being shit with Gerald jumping around like a retard is so annoying
You know you don’t have to roll around like a retard? I barely ever rolled. It’s fun if you know how to play it

The Witcher 3 and this game both have good combat. If they were made by Japanese then you'd like their combat systems.

>most realistic combat in games
>hur it sucks I can't kill more than one guy at a time
Awful take. The mechanics are fine. The actual actions your character takes during a sword fight are the most realistic of any game.

combat is one of the best parts of the game, until you get to mid-laate game where you are immortal and everyone else dies before you can get any cool chains

Get good faggot, they better not cave into the SJW faggots who demand niggers and faggots be in the game when they make a sequel. Them not caving with this made me buy it and it was great despite all the bugs in the beginning


not just the rolling. simply pressing the attack button once sends geralt leaping and twirling into the air. it's gay shit.