Hello is this game any good

hello is this game any good

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yeah its good

It's weird as fuck but possibly good

I want to fuck the Ethereal Queen.

Top 5 PS2 rpg for sure.

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Remember to side with your fellow humans. Fuck the non-humans and fuck the dark elves.


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it's very good.

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Remember to side with the monsters. Fuck the cute girl

the best part of the game is when they're both your bros

we should all get along and hate that dumb bitch ridley

Attached: dumb bitch.webm (476x192, 90.05K)

Why the FUCK did this game never get a PAL release? I have a shitty toaster so I doubt this will emulate well, but I've always wanted to play it.

Release it on PSN, Square you fucks.

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>that shoulder armor
How the fuck are you supposed to make a move on her? What a cunt.

Simple, you go for her heart

she's a fucking bitch

Attached: worst mistake of my life.webm (960x540, 379.47K)

If Ridley is the main heroine then why is she not present half the time in the game. What a useless bitch.

fucken roasted. hear that ridly? dumb bitch

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Flau is cute!

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Is this racism?

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A mutt elf LMAO

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This game is awesome, and following tradition I've come in here to let everyone now and bump the thread so that it gets a little recognition

My healer of choice

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Radiata Stories has the best design of Etheral Queen.
>that camera zooming in her flat chest before the battle

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I liked all the characters, it was a very comfy game.

Yes, but you aren't and so don't deserve to play it. Cringe zoomer.

Romaria is the GOAT party member.