Were Wii U fags really this deluded? lmao
Were Wii U fags really this deluded? lmao
I respect the wiiu more than I respect the switch. it was an ok console with a retarded controller (fantastic pro controller) unlike the switch which is both a shit console and has a shit controller (ok pro controller). Switch would be nothing without wiiu ports
>the wii u was better than the switch
ladies and gentlemen, we have gone full contrarian
the only thing that's worseabout the switch is paid online and no proper way to back up your saves
the switch has the same drought problem as the wiiu despite having ports from it padding out its library and the handheld developers developing for it to, what does that say about the switch? The online is worse too, brought back friend codes lmfao
Remember when Nintendo fans on Yas Forums sent Nintendo a thank you card? Yeah they were pretty fucking delusional
god damnit, I'm sure I have a pic of that card but I can't find it anywhere
I need to see the fuck you nintendo version
It's so bizarre that there are Wii U apologists out there. I own one and it sucked ass.
>it didn't sell so it's bad
Do you work for Nintendo?
You're too late to bash the Wii U user, should have been here 8 years ago. Now that the Switch is out everyone will look at it as underrated.
buddy, without a pro controller most games are literally unplayable
I dare you to play through tropical freeze with the gamepad
>There are people who didn't play Splatoon on release
Feel sorry for them tbqh. Some of the most fun I've ever had with a multiplayer launch ever. Honestly one of the most original and underrated new IPs of the last 10 years. Never got big into ranked because none if the modes were even as good as turf war but man for a good 3 months I couldn't put this game down
I have. What's the problem? You have a 3 inch shoulder span?
It sucked ass, so it's bad.
I don't think the wiiu is good, but the switch is worse
if you like the switch then you like the wii u, they're the same console.
I played the demo thing, realized that you basically had to use gyro controls, and made no plans to buy the game.
I didn't buy a Switch because the Wii U was so bad.
yes. and i say this as a wii u owner myself
the wii u was undoubtedly Nintendo at their worst, in all aspects. Any "wii u fags" are just too poor to afford a switch or are falseflagging
the only good things to come out of it were splatoon and xbcx
you are braindamaged if you legitimately think this
>you are braindamaged if you legitimately think this
why? seeswitch has the same issues as the WiiU except the online isn't free and they made it even worse and it doesn't have the excuse of split development for 3DS
this just shows how marketing can make or break a console.
people only like splatoon because they're pedo coomers
noboby gives a fuck about the actual gameplay
>Nothing but furries and trannies flooding the art section
>Mediocre shooter to begin with
No thank you
>the only good things to come out of it were splatoon and xbcx
the switch's claim to fame is a wiiu port
>friend codes bad
its the same fucking shit except now you dont need to have a retarded gamer tag
games are more important than anything else and switch succeeds where wii u didnt
but you are baiting and/or retarded so im not going to continue this. Your next move will be calling the majority of the switch library wii u ports
yes friend codes bad you fucking troglodyte, fuck you. didn't read the rest of your post
the wiiu version is worse a little
two different groups of people
they made it shittier on purpose so it wouldn't compete with the switch version. They got rid of the pad map akin to xenoblade x
Again it's clear neither of you bought the game on release. You can't know what it was like on release because you got it down the line or bought Splatoon 2 (not even a new game just a "deluxe" version)
Splatoon was one of the best games of decade
>Yas Forums pulled a Reddit.
God I'd forgotten all about this.
>dude you had to be there
every time
this is one of the worst defenses for a game out there