Why do you hate Skyrim?

Why do you hate Skyrim?
Anyone saying it doesn't look great do not count, i want real reasons

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Why would I hate skyrim it's a great game

The hivemind seems to hate it

Did they ever fix the PS3 version of Skyrim? I might download it to my hacked one and give it a try for shits, I heard it had some kind of game breaking bug some time in?

I don't!

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This thread again? It's been made clear that we liked it very much

Skyrim is simple and outclassed by other games, but it has its moments and its good parts. Most disdain towards it is mostly due to the devs/publisher anyway, or towards redditor mindset that it's the best game of the 7th gen (a gen that had New Vegas, Metal Gear Rising, and Dark Souls, the big 3 of Yas Forums).

Besides, Yas Forums is not one person. Guarantee there'll be replies in the double digits below me telling you why they hate it.

>had some kind of game breaking bug
Yes non-360 7th-gen Bethesda games did that sort of thing. Just get the 360 version, my copy still works fine after 9 years.

Combat comes down to mashing attack button, trying to mix it up is pointless and only weakens you
Barren empty world, bland to look at, a lot of white snow grey sky, colourful areas look washed out and pale
NPCs are robotic, behavior comes down to walk here walk there say thing walk walk walk stand stare
Rpg mechanics butchered, no more classes just be everything
All these races but the entire population treats you the same no matter what you pick
>enter ulfric city as an elf, nords are harassing elf for being elf
>hey player don't you think these elves are shit
>all character design choices, race/looks/clothes/playstyle are essentially cosmetics
Weapon degredation removed
Magic dumbed down to an extreme
Health regenerates
Pants and shirts are the same thing
Extremely specific waypoints obliterate all sense of exploration
Stamina and magic recharge at less than half speed during combat for some reason
Repetitive "infinite" quests

The game makes my cock turn brown

I've bought this game 7 different time

The questlines are shit. That's it.

Skyrim's alright, but I hate having to mod it to get any enjoyment out of it nowadays. Vanilla content just seems so boring compared to any modder who bothers to put effort into their work.

This. They're all terrible.

Pretty good as an exploration game, though. Nice world.

Ugly. Textures poor these days and visually incredibly bland. Physics and animations are horrible. Makes everything from having a stuff, stilted conversation boring. Open world.

Never played it but I heard that every single book on the game's shelves can be read. If that's true then pretty cool. If the game doesn't have a level cap then it's shit RPG.

Because it requires imagination. You have to make your character, give him an appearence, motivations, etc.

It's not mindless Wticher 3 with a set protagonist and tits and vegana, it's a real RPG in which you can even put your sword down and enjoy a Sims Viking kind of game.

Yas Forums doesn't like what they can't understand.

booooring as hell
>epic battle
few guys running around you
>epic city
few houses

>Ugly. Textures poor these days and visually incredibly bland.
There have been excellent mods for this since nearly release.

>Game needs mods to look good
Point proven, that isn’t a good thing.

>it's a real RPG

Attached: look at this fag.jpg (400x267, 31.08K)

1. The Voice acting for almost every NPC you encounter is nails on a chalkboard level annoying.
2. Magic keeps getting pruned with each TES entry.
3. Plot is the weakest one yet for both the main questline and the faction/other questlines.
4. Can't kill kids or important NPCs because Bethesda is worried about normalfag outcry from playing an RPG game.

The only thing I really liked was the OST a few NPCs (one of which is from Morrowind), some of the melee combat and the shouts.

It's not a legitimate complaint when it's such an easy fix, though. Just fix it.

>Janky for the worst reasons
>For a game that lets you customize a a character in any way you want, they managed to find a way for combat to be a slog for every one.
>Charactrers are boring
>Locations are dull
>Plot is completely forgettable.


>The only thing I really liked was the OST

I have a feeling that the only thing that's keeping the elder scrolls alive is Jeremy Soule's ability to make music that makes you ignore the rest of the game, otherwise you'd notice you're staring at a hairy ass during the entire playthrough.

With all of the mods that exist for Skyrim, literally every problem can be “fixed”. But if people that aren’t the developers have to “fix” the game then there’s a problem

>2.5k hours and still doesn't have all the achievements

I am going to try the game UNMODDED

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Skyrim at release was a game that was huge and a blast to explore, and was one of those few games that was mind blowing to play. It’s a flawed title that definitely shown it’s age as there’s better games out there, but I don’t see a lot of hate for it on this board, but rather criticism in retrospect

holy cringe

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>literally every problem can be “fixed”.
Still can't make the combat good, though

i dont hate it i just think morrowind is superior in every way

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Skyrim copied so many other video games its ridiculous how people can praise such an uninspiring title


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It sucked on Xbox 360 in it's original form but I'm loving the Legendary Edition on PS4.

I haven't played Skyrim because I'm repelled by the oversimplified game design. Most modern handholding game design isn't something for me.

>literally every problem can be “fixed”
That's not true. But one of your main complaints is an easy fix, so you're fag for bitching.

>im goin in RAW
That's gross, dude, stop.

The amount of dislikes on a video that’s clearly a joke. Skyrim fags are something else

>Combat comes down to mashing attack button, trying to mix it up is pointless and only weakens you
Lies. Mixing up combat skills with enchanting, alchemy, and shield is OP.
>NPCs are robotic, behavior comes down to walk here walk there say thing walk walk walk stand stare
Of course NPC's are robots.
>Rpg mechanics butchered, no more classes just be everything
You can't be everything because there's not enough perk points for it until you reach an absolutely high level. It was far easier for me to max out every attribute in morrowind than unlocking all perks in skyrim.
>Weapon degredation removed
And weapon modifications added.
>Health regenerates
Less than 0.50% a second in battle.
>Extremely specific waypoints obliterate all sense of exploration
There are a lot of unmarked areas but you're just too lazy to explore.
>Stamina and magic recharge at less than half speed during combat for some reason
A bit contradictory to your previous criticism don't you think.
>Repetitive "infinite" quests
Well don't repeat them? They're very noticeably different from normal quests. They're not a bad thing either, Arena and Daggerfall have always had them.

My brother.