Why didn't people like FF9?

Why didn't people like FF9?

Attached: final-fantasy-ix-5 (1).jpg (600x324, 41.28K)

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It came out the same year as Chrono Cross, which ended up getting a 95 on Gamerankings that year. 2000 was also the year of the GOTY being split between Console & PC games, so Sims won the PC GOTY & Perfect Dark won the console GOTY

some of the characters were shit and useless and it took a while to load into combat.

I loved it though. it was pretty comfy and I enjoyed the story and environments.

Slow gameplay
Shallow characters and plot
Uncontrollable Trance system
Divisive aesthetic choices
Comparatively weak soundtrack

Attached: the only good girls in this game.png (2000x1200, 3.87M)

Glacially slow combat, fucking terrible card game, Trance system is the dumbest "limit break" mechanic in the history of the series, story falls off a fucking cliff at the end.

I couldn't get into it due to the battles taking a fucking minute to load. Also the story seemed kinda boring compared to the other FFs but I didn't get too far into ix

They couldn't handle Zidane being such a sexy monkey.

IX had the misfortune of being overshadowed by VIII, which came on the coattails of VII, and X, which was the first PS2 Final Fantasy (I think) and also had voice acting for the first time in the series.

>Slow gameplay
>Uncontrollable Trance system
>Divisive aesthetic choices

These are true.

>Shallow characters and plot
>Comparatively weak soundtrack
>Beatrix and three literal whos being the only good waifus

These are bullshit.

>shallow characters
no, try playing the game
>weak soundtrack
its one of the best in the series though

too much generally unappealing designs and furry shit

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good job refuting anything I said

>Why did I never get into that game? It looks good.
>Start it up again.
>Turn it off by the end of that first forest and never go back to that save.
Repeat several times over. I don't know why, but the beginning of that game bores me to tears.

This art has SOUL fuck off.

The battles take too fucking long and it's annoying as hell to play. It would be great if it actually ran decently.

dunno, its way better then 8 though

Would you bang the monkey user? I certainly would. It's a cute monkey.

Cast wasn't full of chuuni cringelords

>mass murderer
>emotionless femcel
Gimme Lani

It's Ruby you swine.

Quina. I mean what the fuck was it the devs trolling?

I'll tell you when this battle transition finishes OP

Didn’t ruby have sea foam green hair

>Shallow characters and plot
All the characters deal with intense problems like belonging, love, responsibility, loyalty, heartbreak, and existential dread over the course of the game and they all have wildly entertaining and interesting personalities. The plot is literally about the meaning of life and death. You're an idiot, or didn't even play the fucking game, if you think any of that is shallow shit. Also the soundtrack is arguably Nobuo Uematsu's best work. Most people agree.

The rest of your points are fine. I think most people probably couldn't get past the cutesy/storybook artstyle mainly.

Not sure if people actively dislike it so much as they never gave it a chance. It came out at the end of the PS1's lifetime so the timing was pretty bad.

>bad soundtrack
that's just false, here's a few great ones from just the start of the game





I don't mind not being able to control trances, but if they were going that route they needed to change them a bit
>make them weaker or shorter
>start with empty trance bars in every fight
>bars fill slower from normal means, but using the character's unique skills fills them too (EG Steiners fills faster by attacking or using sword arts/magic, Zidane's fills while stealing, Freya's fills by jumping, etc.)

No it's a scarf but I can see why you would think that with PS1 graphics.

I would fuck the monkey. (Not the creepy monkey from the Dissidia tho, that thing's face is terrifying.)

t. Brainlet
The art and world has too much soul put into it and knows how to be fun. Nobody cares about fur shit otherwise Disney wouldn't be fucking your child's mouth.

9 is one of those game like Halo 2 and MGS2 where people were lukewarm to it at first but then years later everyone acts like it was always the best

Main characters look horrible when in art, especially Zidane. In-game they look good, but that's too late for potential buyers. People saw the full art in gaming magazines.

not edgy/emo followup to two incredibly successful edgy/emo entries in the franchise, during the height of the edgy/emo culture

this, really
FF9 just suffered from having incredibly shitty FMVs

its universally loved, definition of soul
only Yas Forums hates it cause contrarianism i guess
also Yas Forums is the minority and 'people' here have shit taste dont forget

Which Dissidia are we talking? They made the monkey very feminine in NT, but I'd still be down for it.

My entire life I’ve always thought she had green hair and never questioned it.

I got an award too but I can't find anything to spend it on

you have to actually back up your initial claim first you retard.

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>shitty fmvs
nigga what


Emo edgy culture didn't fully Kickstart until 2-4 years later

the ff9 soundtrack is forgettable user get over it

FFIX was the first game to give me a boner for traps.

Zidane turns into a pink princess. I was convinced Zidane was a tom-boy

Attached: girl zidane.png (750x650, 245.43K)

This is it, really. The PS2 was already out when this game was released, a lot of people didn't like FF8, and this game had an artstyle that made it seem way more childish and cartoony than the game actually is at its core. People didn't hate it they never even gave it a chance

look at this retard

[You are not alones you the fuck out of here]

just because you easily forget things doesn't mean everyone else does

Honestly any of them. Nomura gave sexy monkey a Michael Jackson nose and ruined his color scheme. I'll never forgive him. :(

I object to your limited choices.

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>Why didn't people like FF9?
They do. Why make such a shit bait thread?
>Comparatively weak soundtrack

but it is highest rated Final fantasy.
People were turned off by the character aesthetic. They assumed it was for children. The themes and context of the game goes way beyond that.

Of course the ff9 has like 3 memorable songs but overall its forgetable. I dont know why ff9 fanboys have trouble admiting faults about the game

Combat didn’t allow you to stop and think, it always kept moving

the game does have its faults, the soundtrack is not one of them

you are an idiot if you believe that.

here's my personal gripes with it:

>No character except Zidane has any script or development after their personal arc in the story
>battles take much longer than they should
>getting 9999 damage on shit is far easier than it should be
>story doesn't seem to want to know what to do with itself after Alexander and Bahamut
>character models are too diverse in style
>FF9's best tracks are about middle tier tracks compared to its sister games 8 and 10
>game is just too easy in general. first boss that puts up a fight (that you can win) is the giant after you get Eiko

and a few things it does great:

>Kuja is a great villain who you love to hate
>the best song in the game plays at a time where its most appropriate, Not Alone
>Beatrix and Steiner are my favorite FF couple
>my fetish is in it

Forgettable dosent equal bad

They made him way blonder for some reason. Zidane is by far the best protagonist (contested only by the depth of Tidus' revelations) that FF has ever had. He's not an edgy prick. He's enjoyable.

why is there official art featuring ass shots of madeen and bahamut

kys furfaggot

Fuck you

You're the sole reason why we now have Square Enix Face™ in everything Final Fantasy related and boring-ass pseudo realism.

Attached: tidus.jpg (981x552, 55.44K)

characters look like literal shit

People loved FFIX
the issues were the following
>IX came out in 2000, which was a really good year for gaming so there was a lot of competition
>twilight game for the PS1, because the PS2 was due to come out at Holiday 2000
>FFX was due to come out and people were way more excited for it
Aaaaaaaamd 20 years later it's considered to be one of the best RPGs of all time while FFX is remembered for Belts, bad voice acting and Lulu's amazing chest