Remember when Sephiroth used to have a character beyond wanting to fuck Cloud?

Remember when Sephiroth used to have a character beyond wanting to fuck Cloud?

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pic not related?

Sephiroth didn’t have a character other than “muh Jenova.”

>Remember when Sephiroth used to have a character

remember when he threw a materia at cloud and then flew away

He had some character in the flashback before he started sperging out over aliens.

Then he literally just became pic related 100% of the time.

That was pretty funny.

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remember he tried to destroy the world for no reason?

>people that think Sephiroth is a good villain

omfg i forgot, that was hilarious


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Yeah. I remember his angry anime rant about his mommy.

no i don't think so

Was that in the ship?

what is anime about that you drooling moron?
if anything it's campy and the sort of thing you gloss over
the point was to show us sephiroth for a sec because you've been after him in a while and the game had to remind you that the greater plot is following after him
how does throwing a materia at someone and fucking off compare to jumping around cutting buildings in half

I found him much more interesting in Crisis Core when he was a baby face.

He was so powerful but so humble about it and the CGI fight where he wrecks Genesis was awesome.

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Shit, that's my last name. Spooked me, OP.

Sephiroth was always localized Kefka-1, Japanese Kefka+0.5, the only thing done correctly is making his backstory more apparent instead of tucking it to the side (despite almost completely reusing it, just a different setting)

Hojo > Jenova > Sephiroth

Sephiroth isn't even the real villain.

>having a character
Sephiroth is one of the most shallow villains in Final Fantasy, faggot. Apart from the cool visuals he have absolutely nothing.

>m-muh jenovah, m-muh ancients
>I will never explain anything and I will try to sound as cryptic and insane as possible when speaking, other people will explain my reasonings anywat
And that's about it. You put him at the side of Kefka and Kuja, and will realize he is just one step above of the "intergalactical being who wants to destroy everything"

Holy shit, I fucking HATE FFVII babies. You people never played ANY other jrpg, don't you? Even Ultimecia have more character than Sephiroth

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He's a radical nativist who wants to purge Earth of lesser beings like humans.

Now try to find a moment HE is the one saying that, instead of just incoherent babble about Jenova and Ancients.

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Who was in control Sephiroth or Jenova?

How is that anime? It's just bizarre. Almost Lynchian.

That's all in the flashback when he wasn't aware of the truth about himself. Afterwards he doesn't really have a personality. Yeah, a pretty weak villain.

that fucking mid air somersault

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Jenova, Seph was essentially fucked from the moment he fell into the reactor goo in Nibelheim. As to why Jenova decides to face you in Northern Crater and then fucking dies easily is anyone's guess.

It was in the same room as OP's picture, but present time, not flashback.

Sephiroth. But it's not clear to me if Jenova even has a will. Also, you can argue that Sephiroth is the new Jenova as he is pretty much an alien/human hybrid.

>A man who lost his grip on sanity when he learned of his origins, driven further into madness by an extraterrestrial entity whose cells he harbors, culminating in extreme delusions of grandeur and wanting to become a god

There's nothing wrong with a simple villain like this. You've just convinced yourself that complex equals good because simple writing isn't hard, and writing has to be hard to be good, right?

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That's not the correct question. Jenova isn't as much an entity as it is a memetic virus. The correct question is whether or not Sephiroth was himself or "sick".

You just babbled a lot trying to make him sound more complex than he actually is, thinking this would make Sephiroth good. So that turns on you.

Sephiroth apart from the flashback is just a wacko who never says anything with meaning, or even sense. He is a weak villain carried great lengths by visual design alone, his only depth is being a mirror to Cloud's insanity.

Kuja > Sephiroth.

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Kefka 2.0.

There's nothing that interesting about Sephiroth and he barely feels like a villain.

>You just babbled a lot trying to make him sound more complex than he actually is

I didn't, though. I merely stated what he is. There's nothing complex about him, and that is not automatically bad.

Hojo is the true villain. Hojo and Jenova are the catalysts for everything that happened. Sephiroth is just some lunatic that barely feels conscious.

Jenova isn't memetic, as it needs to physically infect creatures to attain control over them. Other than that, considering it a sickness is an apt view of Jenova.

Kefka doesn't even have an origin story. He's always been a madlad as far as we know.

but he DOES literally say that in the game, I ain't gonna shit through a 10 hour video to find it for you, I'm pretty sure it's when cloud confronts him and he's at the desk at the back of the library
also, saying sephiroth is a bad villain and bringigng up kuja as the opposite is at least laughable
sephiroth has backstory, motives, character, presence, all in spades
kuja is a joke compared to him

The problem isn't necessarily in concept, but in execution.

In OG FFVII, Sephiroth's transformation from war hero to maniacal villain is that he sits in a basement reading books for a while and then he decides to destroy the planet

One thing that annoys me in FF& that is very small is when Sephiroth informs cloud that Jenova is "a calamity from the sky" and Cloud instantly recognises that means not an Ancient

They have nothing in common, aside from being antagonists. Sephiroth has his origins as a nice guy but autistic SOLDIER who became mad because his mother was Lavos and Kefka has always been intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.


The things he learned about himself were some pretty serious shit. Real people have snapped for far less.

no, first he sees a monster created by shinra, planting the seed of doubt
same as sephiroth, he was a magitek knight who lost his mind because of the stuff they did to him
give me an example of a complicated villain
his visual design in the finished product is actually the worst thing about him

>Kefka is thirty-five years old and Emperor Gestahl's right-hand man. At least sixteen years ago Kefka was the first experimental Magitek Knight, which gifted him magical power, but shattered his sanity as the process had not been perfected yet.[3]

That's literally Sephiroth, who was also an experiment that went mad.

to be fair, lots of people go from being normies to wanting to destroy the planet from sitting and reading Yas Forums for a while.

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you should used Crisis Core one
at least it resemble character

Isn't Sephiroth just Jenova pieces until after we find him in a big crystal

Frankly he seems like a tertiary villain after Jenova and maybe Shinra

>My mom is an alien?
>That's it. Everything must die.
Bit of an overreaction I think
Would make more sense if he just sliced Hojo in half instead

Jenova would have made things make sense and be interesting but the answer is Sephiroth. Yes, even despite him being fucking dead and the game hinting towards Jenova being the one who killed Aerith. Flat out stated in the Black Materia scene that is is Sephiroth's doing

>Give me an example of a complicated villain

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