Why'd they have to go and make this instead of SMTV, bros?
Why'd they have to go and make this instead of SMTV, bros?
Probably cost litte to make and got money from whales.
Dx2 is actually funding SMTV as we speak. Atlus' non-Persona teams have 0 budget so they asked if they could use this game to raise funds for SMTV and SEGA agreed.
Why is Corona-chan in this game?
I mean they're making both right now, but the bigger question is what the fuck were they thinking with the character art?
Yes I want to fuck Templar Dragon.
Dx2 is king of the gacha trash heap though
Why didn't they make it a gacha with actual SMT characters? Even the protags didn't appear in SMT 1 and 2 events
I can't stand the timer gameplay. The boss events are ridiculous, how do I get good? I destroy demons normally but those bosses.
Was by the Ace Attorney guy, guess they thought the familarity would draw people.
I mean, a gacha with the mons themselves makes a lot of sense. So much so it's a wonder Pokemon hasn't tried the same thing yet.
Dear god no. I fear they'll add an over powered Demi-fiend as a whale target wen truly desperate.
SMTV will contain gacha gameplay elements, screencap this post
No need.
It's actually way more fun than it has any right to be. I don't really know anyone else who plays except for my wife. What should I be working on for my demons?
There was one like that, but it got shut down around the time they released Masters.
I miss it a lot.
Huh, I had no idea, interesting.
No idea user, I just redownloaded the game after dropping it over a year ago, only to find out that it didn't use any sort of cloud save function. Picking up SMT IV got me hooked on the series again, so I'm working from scratch.
No clue. I'm OCD about duplicates though, since you can't use dupes. Have you beaten the story? I haven't bothered to
>I had no idea
No one else knew either
I played it for like a week and it felt like they took every single thing that makes SMT fun and monetized the shit out of it. You can't even fuse right because they want to force you into the gacha shit.
>You can't even fuse right because they want to force you into the gacha shit.
Exactly how I felt.
>Specific demon behind gacha pus that are rare as fuck
>Can't fuse every demon in game because of this
>Timer system
>PvP isn't real time so people have the same builds
>Timers on Gates and such modes
>Lame story
I really was hoping for Pokemon Go tier with better gameplay and SMT elements. When they mentioned fighting Metatron in the Park in one interview, I got so excited.
>find out that it didn't use any sort of cloud save function
wait what? how the hell do you get your demons back if your phone breaks or something?
kind of jealous of your jacks there my man. I haven't finished the story yet, but I probably will soon. I only have a few more missions.
i love the demon comments
I have both Capter 7s to finish still.
Some of them are alright, some make me cringe, others are just in korean
Smtv with cat deely was kino
>if your phone breaks or something?
Apparently you can link it through facebook, obtain a 24-hour profile code for transferring between phones, or hop on a hotline and give them highly specific numbers/details about your profile to """prove'"" it's you. I'm just starting from scratch.
it gives more money
It literally looks nothing like AA
It looks like Devil Survivor art, not that weird.
Is this game actually reasonably successful? I remember trying it at launch, taking one look at the rates and turning 360 degrees and walking away
>Gacha game of a monster collecting series
That's honestly the stupidest idea I've ever heard, so it really annoys me that it would actually work.
You'd have to be a literal child or mentally retarded. There's exactly zero reason to collect monsters in a phone game if you have multiple series that allow you to do the exact same thing without disgusting micro transactions and gameplay specifically designed to make it painful to collect them.
It's just so stupid.