What games give the best feeling of adventure?
What games give the best feeling of adventure?
not that railroaded piece of shit
What game user?
Liru Project
I'll be sure to look into it. Thanks user.
you're whalecum
Based. There's a reason J"""""""RPG""""""""s are Yas Forums's most hated genre
>posting railroaded fake-RPG weebshit
based user saving the thread with actual vidya
true dat homie
Eschalon: Book I
Even the worst WRPG is lightyears better than the """""""""""best""""""""" JRPG.
Pokemon sword and shield! and if you like those, give sun and moon a try
Why are WRPGchads so based bros? This thread almost became full of weebshit circlejerking but then BTFOd the shit out of it with one post.
>posting railroaded weebshit
Learn your place lmao
Westchad banter is best banter.
fuck off, you're fat and have long greasy hair
Cope weebcuck.
Stop samefagging, WRPG-kun.
Keep coping JRPG-kun
im actually pretty skinny tbqh
>8 unique posters
I don't own any figurines and haven't watched anime in roughly a year, definitely not a weeb
That shit looks ugly as fuck
>haven't watched anime in roughly a year
why not, i watch anime all time
Nothing has interested me, I'm not against anime at all but I don't just watch shit for the sake of it
watch big o
That's actually been on my list for years
I enjoy how much is at stake in jrpgs. The trope "It's not a jrpg unless a group of teenagers kill god" is a trope I'll gladly play again and again, because it allows for so much to be said in the game. It usually means you adventure across the world, if not the universe and/or other dimensions, meet people from wildly different cultures, and get into existential quandaries about the state of the universe. As much as I love games like, say, Fallout 3, what did you do in that game? Where did you go? I love the Witcher III as well, but same thing. Where do you travel to, really? What's at the end of the rabbit hole of that universe? jrpgs always shoot for the stars. Even if they often miss with gay tropes or big ol tittie girls, I can 1) appreciate that they tried and 2) appreciate big ol titties.
Anime website
watch girls last tour
Tolkien was really that good
Zelda windwaker and BoTW