Why does Elusive Jump have such a long cooldown

why does Elusive Jump have such a long cooldown
>noooooooooooo you can't use a job-defining lore ability more than twice a minute

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dragoon has multiple jump related abilities and you're supposed to weave them together with your more generic GC rotation.


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Why is this game so goddamm boring how can people call this a final fantasy? It isn’t in story or gameplay

What server on Primal should I play on?

Elusive jump is the utility one, not a damage dive

It's a hub center mmo-lite. not a real mmorpg.

It's only 30 seconds?
What are you doing that requires you have a special get out of jail card more often than that?

yeah, but you can use an ability that involves jumping every couple seconds without stopping is what I'm saying. FF14 definitely did not neglect to give dragoon players constant jumps. Not being able to spam a movement ability is just a design choice to prevent dragoons from moving way faster than every other class, since every class has very limited movement abilities

If you play on Behemoth, we can play together!

>nooooo you should be able to constantly spam an extremely powerful mobility skill with no repercussions

there are autists in this thread with more than 2 jobs at level 80

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>if I had three jobs at level 80 I'd be saying that instead

You post pepe.

Dragoon is legitimately the only class worth playing

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I am an indecisive fuck and can't stick to something, what should I play? Help force me to commit.

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>anime avatarfag
commit to jumping off a bridge

Sounds like you haven't found the one yet
It took me a long time and it was DRG

You have no idea what the terms you are using means.

>Reaction images are now avatars

just level them all until one clicks, palace of the dead works for giving you a full class straight-away and that's enough to get the very basic gist of how the job will perform

primal is br retard zone

>I tire of this charade

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Seeing that pop up as a dialogue-option gave me an automatic 10/10 rating for the job-quest series and alongside the 30-50 questline for DRK made me excited for the job-quests' writer being in charge of Shadowbringers.

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My issue is I like too much to the point where I don't identify with any job or role.

hop around between them as you feel like then, i keep all my jobs leveled for that explicit purpose. sometimes i wanna play scholar and not white mage and sometimes i wanna play ninja and not machinist, and sometimes i learned the hard way that dark knight and warrior are trash now so i want to play paladin and gunbreaker

>Start FF14 during quarantine
>Pick Lancer
>It's the most boring fucking class to play
>Get dragoon
>It's essentially just more of that

Lancer is a mistake.

Such devastatation, this was NOT my intention.

got get jobs n shit pleb

FF14 suffers from the problem of every MMO where it doesn't get good until endgame. When you get to level 80 Dragoon has a ton of mobility and flashy bullshit that feels rewarding when lining up your cooldowns optimally.

I feel like I never see anybody use it anyway.

I could do that but I don't know, doing that in my mind makes me a jack of all trades, master of none so I end up just being mediocre at all of them.