Replacement for New Vegas

Is there a game that can replace Fallout New Vegas? NV is my favorite game of all time. I've beaten it probably 50 times by now and I've spent endless hours modding it. It is the perfect game for me but I need something new. I love FO1 and FO2 also and I hate FO3 and FO4. The Bethesda games are just fanfiction to me, I can't stand them.

Is there a game that is as good as New Vegas?

Attached: Fallout.png (520x278, 108.71K)

Are you asking for something similar but just as good, or just any game you will enjoy at the same level?

>6000 hours for a single player RPG
What the fuck, is this autism?

Try Underrail or ATOM RPG

Damn I thought I had a lot of hours with just over 600 hours. I've been waiting for two upcoming mods that I think will rekindle my interest in the game, the Frontier and Brave New World. Maybe even F4NV

check out kenshi

I'd wager at least a couple thousand hours are from leaving the game running while afk but to answer your question, yeah it's loser behaviour.

One of my buddies has
>5k hours in Civ 5
>4k hours in Civ 6
>2k hours in Master of Orion
Some people just prefer to play one game exclusively for years at a time

the game is not that good dude

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Get the fuck off my board, normalfag

>I'm a sheep and don't think for myself to fit in with fat retards on Yas Forums
Anyone who says that NV is somehow magically better than 3 is fucking delusional. The only thing better is the writing otherwise it's the same fucking game with a piss filter instead of a puke filter.

it's really not though. Companions, weapon variety, DLC, and being better for mods distinguish it apart enough from 3. It's fine to prefer one over the other, but saying they're the same game means you really haven't played either one enough.

not to mention the lack of level scaling.

Now you've definitely outed yourself as a retard. Muh bull muh bear was unbearable, Sierra madre was ok if not a little frustrating, Old World blues was gay shit for redditors and the one with the burned faggot was fine I guess if not a little boring. Still all together they fucking suck.

No, not until indie devs get gud at making 3D games with substance. They've barely graduated past making good platformers and old school PC RPGs. And are just starting to make PS1 era 3d games. It'll be atleast another decade until we see good indie 7th gen-like games.

Al is that you?

Attached: 1585671164240.jpg (250x213, 6.47K)

>Master of Orion
Remake, 2 or 1.
In any case you are based user

Are you me?

based Al poster

Still better than most of 3's, the Pitt is the only decent one and Point Lookout had a lot of missed potential. I'm not the biggest fan of OWB's wacky sense of humor but it came out in 2011 before le wacky rick and morty and even reddit was mainstream. Also still doesn't disprove the other things I pointed out

The modding scene for New Vegas has died down a lot and those two mods are probably the biggest ones currently in development that probably wont end up as vaporware.

>Now you've definitely outed yourself as a retard.
>Still all together they fucking suck.
What did he mean by this?

meant to reply to

these are the faggots that have been shilling nu vegas for the past ten years

I certainly hope so after Dracomies put hundreds if not a few thousand into ABNW

You legitimately don't even deserve being called a human being, you absolute piece of zoomer filth.

>The only thing better is the writing
the writing in NV is actually really bad. there is a ton of pointless exposition and the main character has no motivation.

>the Pitt is the only decent one
It isn't even decent, it has the most unnecessary, retarded railroaded opening I've ever seen and the central conflict is laughable.

You might want to give some fangames a shot, Fallout 1.5 Resurrection is pretty damn good, it has an atmosphere that's very similar to Fallout 1.

>words bad


Agreed, but compared to Operation: Anchorage and Mothership Zeta it's a masterpiece

Yakuza 0
you have autism, you'll love it.

They literally aren't you illiterate fuck.