Mention 1 (one) good western triple A game released in the recent years
Mention 1 (one) good western triple A game released in the recent years
I thought Prey (2017) was fantastic. Also Doom Eternal isn't bad at all.
The new Modern Warfare is fun.
None, but name one anime character that doesn’t look like an alien
Doom Eternal despite all the crying by faggot weebs
My gf saw that pic over my shoulder and she said "with boobs that huge her back must hurt!"
(My gf has breasts on the smaller side herself)
Spiderman PS4
they look better than real people though
seething 3D roastie
nice armpit pussy
Break up with her
>mole pit
this is what it means to go even further beyond
God i love japan
Why is my fetish becoming the new meme fetish? I don't want this to happen.
I still enjoy playing CS:GO
You and me both.
>that doesn’t look like an alien
How does your brain work that you look at and see aliens? Always just flabbergasting to me to see this shit.
It's too late. Now you will have to meme with the rest about armpits.
embrace it
Red Dead Redemption 2. Now OP, name 1 (one) good anime weebshit game released recently.
>When your fetish is so far removed from the realm of reality no one would ever encroach on it with meme shit
Floor tiles?
I fucking love hairy armpits
My fucking man
Only on HEALTHY women
>I haven't even touched it before myself
So she doesn't wash her armpits?
That one anime where they drew them like IRL asians
Watch out user! It's coming after you!!!
armpits are shit, but that amazing display of sideboob is god tier
fucking frogs get out
doom eternal is good
i wouldn't call it great or industry changing but its a good fast-paced shooter if not a simplistic
i liked it more than '16 but not as much as the classics
i was hoping someone would have posted that picture of the grayy lmao with red lines over it so it looks like a animu
You don't have to be French to admire the fact that armpit hair is the sign of a maturing woman although they certainly have the right idea
Every time somebody posts an anime girl with massive mammaries I imagine myself aggressively grabbing them, my fingers getting engulfed in the mounds of soft flesh.