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What would the Smash Roster look like if all the characters from the games you’ve never played suddenly got removed?

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> No Terry
> No Isabelle
> No Ice Climbers
> no Game Watch
> No Fox, Falco, Wolf
> No Dark Samus
> No Marth
> No Ike
> No Little Mac
> No Wii Fit
> No Duck Hunt
> No Plant
> No Pac-Man
> No Pauletena
> No Roy
> No Chrom
> No Robin
> No Pit
> No Falco
> No Dr. Mario
> No Greninja
> No Simon
> No Richter

So Marth, Bayo, and Joker are out.

Mario is the only franchise worth associating with

>Wii Fit Trainer

Not too bad. I've also played other Persona and FE games so they're not even unfamiliar to me, just not their specific entries.
Thanks for reminding me to play Bayonetta, I own the game and never fucking opened it.

Seriously, how can someone never play Pac-Man, or Super Mario?

I play video games

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>Duck Hunt
>All the FE characters except Roy

I'd miss is Duck Hunt, ROB, and Terry, that's it

Pac-Man is outdated & irrelevant garbage, anyone under the age of 40 hasn't played it.

>no Pokemon past gen 4
>no FE
>no Gayman Watch
>no ROB
>no Wii Fit
>no Dark Pit
>no Joker
>no Cloud
>no Hero
>no Olimar
That's it, though.
I should play Pikmin sometime.

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Remove all fire emblem characters
Remove all star fox and Kirby
Remove Mr Game
Remove Simon and Richter
Remove Joker
Remove Olimar

>all fire emblem characters out
>joker out
>the new pokemon

This is an improvement

t. not a real gamer

I'm 15 and have played Pac man.

The only game amongst these that i have played is fire emblem 3 house.

no dark samus
no fire emblem, whatsoever
no zero suit samus
no lucas
no dark pit (palutena technically in kid icarus)
no r.o.b.
no villager or isabelle
no greninja or incineroar
no cloud
no bayonetta
no inkling
no joker
no terry
no arms

a few sad losses like rob, but overall it cuts out a lot of the shit.

nigger if you haven't played a single main line nintendo title, either you're a liar, or why the fuck are you even on this board?

One day I'll play Metroid and Wario. One day.

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Why would I be here if I actually played games?

You play video games, yet you've never played street fighter?

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i don't play your boomer garbage and only got into 3 house because i liked the game on my phone, i never finished 3 house, i sold it and bought smash, it is okay.

>No Corrin
>No Wii Fit Trainer
>No Zero Suit Samus (Haven't played zero mission or other M)
>No Incineroar
>No Greninja
>No Byleth
>No newest Hero alt

Sounds almost perfect, where do I fucking sign.

if you own a nintendo console, play fucking smash brothers, yet have never played a mainline nintendo series. you're either a liar, on fucking crack/cocaine, literally fucking retarded. which are you?

Fighting games aren't video games

No banjo
No snake
No spacies
No Pokémon
No captain falcon
No hero
No diddy kong
No krool
No animal crossing
No game and watch
No Lucas or ness
Yeah if be fine with this

I'd be screwed if it were games I've actually FINISHED.

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Not too bad

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why do you autists always make this shit thread time after time

>ROB (unless Mario Kart DS counts)

ROB, Terry, Banjo, and Byleth would be missed.

>No Bayonetta
>No Duck Hunt Dog
>No Shulk
>No Marth
>No Ike
>No Dark Samus

Didn't lose anyone too important.

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They'd all still be in. Though I'd very much like to retroactively delete Fates so Corrin can be erased.

No Terry
No Olimar
No Villager/Isabelle
No Inkling

Shitty spic fighting game and zoomer Nintendo garbage. I probably played Fzero, Ice Climber and Wii Fit for a combined playtime of one hour but I did play them.

i should play more games :p

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