You do take care of your eyes after long sessions of gaming, right user?

You do take care of your eyes after long sessions of gaming, right user?

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No but very good after I smoke weed and I need to drive

How to do that? My eyes were totally red yesterday.

I like how lines on the screen gets burned to my eyes. it's just like looking at the light. i also like to look at seizure baits, they never do anything to me sadly. ah that is the price to pay for being so flawless i guess.

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y-yes of course

>thinking you need the eyedrop Jew
Just turn the brightness down

Regular use of eyedrops is not good for you

I'm worried, I saw a black spot for a second and a few times in my life I've had tunnel vision.
I'm worried I might go blind.

No, my eyes get super dry and then start flaking.

>play with light on
>drink water
I'm good homie

Neither is gaming

At least playing video games is enjoyable.

>he drives high
hope you die before you hurt anyone, fag

t. literally high right now, just have the common sense not to operate a vehicle

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You are retarded, not everyone is retarded as you are and can still function under the effects of many different things.

A vein under my right eye has been throbbing for a week now, nonstop. It's probably from playing games too much due to corona. What do I do, webmd just gives me the usual bullshit

Poke it with a pin to let off the pressure

its over

i usually rub my eyes very thoroughly with my knuckles after every game session
it's like a massage

My lower eyelid used to twitch a little bit. Not enough for someone else to notice, but it was kind of annoying.
It seems to have gone away now that I can sleep in.

[dude weed lmao]

Could be Floaters, but get it checked out in case it’s something more serious.

Proper nutrition and exercise (as in moving your eyes and looking at things various distances away) is how you take care of your eyes.

I do t think that’s good for them

haven’t changed my glasses prescription in literally a decade

had those since i was 11, been 20 years.

Black spot might be the blind zone. "Tunnel vision" is more of a brain thing.
I'm not saying you're fine, but I don't think you'll lose sight.

i close them and go to sleep.

Would blue light blocking glasses be worth the $25 for them? I know I could just use Flux for PC, but I play on handhelds a lot for extended periods.

It’s not that hard user, if you concentrate on what you’re doing you still perform at the same level unlike drunk

I thought the blind spot was basically edited by your brain into a psychological blind spot. As in, it fills in the blanks, but if you were to cover up your other eye, a trace object striding over that spot wouldn't appear. It's fucky looking.

I leave my contact lenses in for over a month and nothing bad has ever happened

i pick out the dry flakes with my 2 inches of fingernail if that's what you mean

I highly recommend you don't do that. Rubbing your eyes every once in a while is okayish, but frequently doing it or even once daily could fuck up your eyes. Very slim chance, but let's not tempt fate.

What's a floater?

>webmd just gives me the usual bullshit
Don't ever bother with them. That unreliable site'll just scare you into being a hypochondriac.

>tfw weird spots on left eye sometimes
haha I'm probably fine right? It's nothing
Just gotta turn on the lights haha

pieces of your eye break off and float around in front of your iris. they look like little worms.

Yes it's called sleeping. Also glasses specifically made for spending my entire life in front of a screen while shunning the outsideworld for the awful meme it is.

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when you look around and see little squiggly lines or spots

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Probably nothing, but it wouldn't hurt to see an optometrist who may or may not recommend an ophthalmologist after corona-chan fucks off for a bit. Old people infest eye places.