Will this be a bigger flop than ME3?

> Niel Druckmann - The game has a abrupt cut to black ending
> Troy Baker: Most fans will hate the ending

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>he thinks it will flop
lmao can't wait for your post crying when everyone calls it game of the decade

Yeah just like FF7R i am i right?

This one will actually flop though. Games like FF7R still have people defending it. But I haven't seen a single person defending this SFW shit. Yas Forums hasn't been this united in boycotting a game since Andromeda.

Not even Sonyfags like this garbage game, they are too busy whining about Bloodborne II, Legend of Dragoon 2 & Gravity Rush 3. This will be one of the biggest critical flops of all time, this reeks of Bioshock Infinite 2.0. Initial high praise from journos, after a month it will be forgotten & universally considered overrated and inferior dogshit

what the fuck were they thinking when they decide THAT would be the cover?

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I'm not interested in this subversive SJW schlock. Unfortunately it's not going to be a flop though, Every single gaming review website is gonna suck its big tranny dick hard and it's going to sell millions, which is extremely unfortunate.

Only GTA, Persona, Metroid, Zelda, Mario get a free pass from Journos. Everything else can easily score extremely low based on shit quality

You're projecting your own feelings into mass opinion. Why do you think this will flop? Those games you mentioned are all niche compared to Naughty Dog AAA blockbusters like this. Mass majority of fans that buy Naughty Dog games haven't even heard of those games.

>Yas Forums hasn't been this united in boycotting a game since Andromeda
>thinking Yas Forums has any actual power
Don't get me wrong, TLoU2 will be garbage like every other Snoy moviegame but it's going to be critically acclaimed and the normies will love it too. These kinds of games are literally made for them, a "deep" and "mature" story with gameplay designed to be retard proof.

This will be the next Death Stranding

What makes you think it's going to have shit quality? It's probably going to have at least decent gameplay, definitely better than the original at least, which was gameplay wise was at least decent. It will have industry leading graphics for console (moreso if it gets a PS5 release). It's going to have top tier production value in every way, including voice acting, script, etc. You might hate its story but this SJW crap is kind of shit journos love nowadays. Just because you and I hate it doesn't mean they don't.

> 90% of the Staff Quit
> Almost no gameplay footage
> Developers following every red flag so far
> Delayed over 5 times
> Huge graphical downgrades
> Absolutely no hype (Not even in Reddit's most wanted games)

so it will be a masterpiece?

The animator who quit and revealed how shitty the whole development of the game was really puts a damper on it.
Also Sony suspiciously delayed it despite it being so close to coming out too. ND lost most of their staff and all that's left is Neil Druckmann and an army of junior developers who have no clue what they're doing.

The Last of Us 1 was pretty based with Joel. Why did they have to make Ellie a lesbian on the DLC and become the main focus of The Last of us 2?

Sometimes I just think writers do these things out os spite, they heard a bunch of people didn't like Ellie kissing the black girl on the DLC and they just go "oh really? well we will double down on that in the sequel :)"

I mean, it is not even a smart position to take, you only have chances of losing sales.

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it will be the best game ever

The production has been a mess but the game will come out well enough if only purely because they can afford working on it until it's done.

>Immediate family member of a Naughty Dog employee
lmao I love how this game triggers nu-Yas Forums so much that they have to make shit up about it

>normies told for the past 7 years that TLoU is the greatest game ever made
>surely the sequel will sell poorly
They could leave a three coiled turd in every box and it would still make bank.

I despise Druckman as a person and I hate that he made Ellie a dyke but I will reserve my hate for the game itself until it comes off. So far ND has done good enough not going full woke. I went into Left Behind and Uncharted 4 thinking they were going to be the wokest shit ever and while I didn't like they made Ellie a dyke or that Nadine was comically strong they were fine.

2 will sell well regardless of quality but it'll kill the series if it's as bad as all indications point to it being. Expect Naughty Dog to make yet another Uncharted after this turd to get back into the normalfags good graces.

Those people holding ND back from going full woke have left ND already. Now it's all controlled by Druckmann.

Yas Forums a bunch of hating ass niggas. Ellie is one of the most natural characters in video games (Arthur in RDR2 beats everyone though) and her sexuality doesn't feel forced. What's the problem with some lesbians?

You niggas wild.

This. It’ll be GOTY easily because of muh narrative. Cyberpunk has no chance. You can already see the journalists setting the table
>cdpr have made the decision to remove gender, which is a step in the right direction
>however the developer has a long history of being problematic
>in the past they’ve made tasteless tranny jokes

>90% of the Staff Quit

I'm just homophobic to be honest and it's obvious Druckman made her a dyke just to virtue signal, but I admit in the game they pulled it off in a way that felt organic. That's why I will wait until part II is released to see if I should hate it or not.

God that cover art is so fucking bad

>has done good enough not going full woke
TLOU 2 features homophobic christians as the main antagonists.
I don't like lesbians, it is just that simple.

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also not to mention the red flag that it got delayed out of may do to the coronavirus but ghost of tsushima is still on track despite coming only a month later

This, it will be a horrible game that recieves high praise from journos due to paid reviews & politics. At best it's a Bioshock infinite situation, at worst it's a complete flop like MGS5 or Death Stranding

Fuck off with that flop meme already.
It has a fuckhuge Sony marketing behind it and it's gonna sell 10 millions on day 1, regardless the quality.

>main protagonist is female
>she is a lesbian
>she fights against homophobic christians
>she despises the the main protagonist of the previous game, which is male, for lying to her about the research
Any journo that says the slight negative thing about this game is done for. If she was black or had some kind of disability that would be it, the wokest game ever created.

well that's great fucking news. why did they all quit? that kike too insufferable or what?

apparently he fucked over the better writer (amy hennig or whatever) in the uncharted team, too, and she left because of him. I think U4 sucked so much ass because she wasn't there and that asshole took over instead.

At least ME3 have robocunny and bunch of alien cunny, what cunny does this game have?

I think you mean pokemon s&s
Which sold how many copies again?


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Fucking retard, ghost of tsushima is not a project as big as TLOU2, so Sony is more likely to take the risk with it

And they will probably delay it just like TLOU2

Sadly it's not going to flop that's to the PS moviegoers

i don't think you quite understand what that word means

>virtue signal

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basically they were in crunch mode nonstop.
Crunch mode for Uncharted 4 for months working till late at night with people sleeping at their desks just because druckmann didnt like a certain scene and had them redo everything all over again and things like that.
People burnt out and moved on after U4.
Then Lost Legacy had an even bigger crunch and resulted in even more people leaving ND.
Many senior staff retired or moved to other companies that gave them better pay without working overtime.

Then TLOU2 which resulted in so many people burnt out that they had to get movie animators due to ND gaining a reputation of working their staff like slaves overtime. This is why the game is getting delayed and why they cant seem to do anything right.

Druckmann is really bad at project management and he's the one running ND nowadays and causing a ton of people to leave.

>>she fights against homophobic christians
Is this actually confirmed? God I hope this game actually gets shit on by everyone, would be so glorious, I think audiences by and large are really starting to get sick of this shit.

It's just that Sucker Punch is in washington so aren't getting as fucked over as Naughty Dog and they have more time to print physical copies anyway. Also if they delayed it too getting a new release window for TLOU II would be a nightmare.

That is according to the leak.

>I think audiences by and large are really starting to get sick of this shit.
People are becoming more aware. Knowing really is half the battle.

>Druckmann is really bad at project management and he's the one running ND nowadays and causing a ton of people to leave.
wow so antisemitic Smh