>You are the Director of FF7 Remake now
>tell me how you going to FIX IT
Red XIII fucks the entire cast on screen including hojo, jenova and Barrett.
to fix it you first need to make Midgar all over again since the shitty ending is pretty much what dictates the direction of the sequels.
use the original story instead
that's would be called Remake my friend
Re-hire Nomura, do everything the same, collect screenshots of everyone who's seething over it.
Nomura being fired would be music to my ears.
Midgar turns into a giant robot which laughs at Cloud continuously
Cloud get so angry with the transformer Midgar that he equips nuclear materia and destroys the world
Cloud then wanders the Lifestream regretting his decision but still finds time to enjoy rattling water pipes
>this bs story is actually better than Remake Ending
god i was sober for fucking two weeks
I'm going to throw it into the trash where FFVII belongs and take on an actually challenging project, like remaking FFII and making the characters actually interesting and tweaking the story now that we don't have the restrictions of old.
FFII had potential that was untapped because of the limitations of the time. Squeenix could have made FFVII good but actively chose not to and made everyone retarded.
>tfw that already happened in before crisis when the scientist becomes a transformer and blows up sector 6
Charles Barkley's Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden is now canon to the FF7 world and he joins the party instead of Yuffie.
So I have to fix the existing product that they made?
I release a full apology to all the fans & assure them an update will come that will fix the issues and allow for a faithful mode without the retarded nomura plot.
I leave the current game in as a bonus "nomuras time travel adventure mode"
in the proper mode I remove all the bullshit scenes with the ghosts, I fix the order of scenes and redo unfaithful scenes that happen incorrectly.
I remove the mandatory filler, forced walking segments & lengthy canned animations that add nothing to gameplay. this of course will mean subsequent play throughs/speedruns are viable and not painfully insufferable but will half the thenth of the game.
to make up for this I add a bunch of extra abilities and features that tighten up combat similar to KH2 final mix.
Finally I get the team to fix all the environments, optimisation, textures low poly and all. I manage project cost and time by having the team rework existing assets from other FF games and KH pirates world.
I stay stay tuned for more updates that will make the environments, costumes and music even more faithful.
>>You are the Director of FF7 Remake now
>>tell me how you going to FIX IT
By immediately rehiring Nomura.
Fuck all the haters. Shit was good.
There's nothing to fix.
Bring in Kadaj and the other Sephiroth clones from AC. All the manchildren crying in every thread on here deserve to suffer.
i just remake the game
you're not even in charge of hiring people idiot.
Faithful remake of the original with an open world outside midgar, no season stuff or loot boxes
>shit was good
>There's nothing to fix.
this thread is for people who also played Original FF7
I rehire Nomura
Turn it into a giant Tifa Aerith Jessie three-way and release it on pornhub
i do like this
they already got all the models too
Also have a boss select mode. if you put in a bonus code you can fight sephiroth and jenova in boss select too.
tho of course they would be removed from the main game because spoilers you shouldn't even be close to seeing them yet.
Saw in another thread and I liked the idea
>First game ends at Cosmo Canyon
>Second game involves Cloud saving Aerith and Zack being saved because time hijinks. All seems well.
>Third game reveals the entire Remake was in Cloud's head during his wheelchair coma with him imagining a world where he manages to save everyone and the whispers are just his subconscious trying to help guide him back to reality
>Sephiroth is just the Jenova in him trying to make him cling to his delusions by feeding into them and acting like Sephiroth thinks Cloud is important
>Aerith and Zack can be revealed to be the real people in the lifestream I dont care. But they help him through find Tifa
>Game goes through with Tifa and Cloud coming out
>Remake Hojo and Sephiroth fights
>game manages to be a retelling and a remake at the same time without needing to involve time travel
Okay, so instead of being "ohmygawdremake1:1aaa", I don't mind the concept of changing history, even if it would require a rebranding or more hints about not being an accurate remake. Instead of time ghosts, just play it up entirely as Aerith on a New Game Plus as she thinks she's doing good by saving more lives and being more proactive. And then Sephiroth, being the cockmongler he is, catches onto her strange behavior via his cells he uses to manipulate Cloud in the original, hijacks the same lifestream foresight she has, and the two end up plotting against eachother while the main party end up unintentionally changing things, first subtly and then significantly. It would be way more organic than Sephiroth being totally out of character, knowing Advent Children shit and the planet's ghost janitors of destiny.
You can’t fix it now. It’s over. Let it die.
>it was all a dream
>even tho you saw the future and all those references to advent children, geostigma bla bla
that's even dumber.
it would be much easier to fix midgar like and get it back on track.
you'd mainly only need to fix cutscenes & remove gameplay padding.
Cloud's able to jump
>it was all a dream
You somehow made it even shittier.
based nomura speaking the truth
This makes too much sense. You're fired.