Funny how a game like that is ok for Sony's "global standards" but anime titties are too much for them.
Funny how a game like that is ok for Sony's "global standards" but anime titties are too much for them
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You see tits on an impaled corpse in the film, so the problem isn't nudity or sex.
Sony doesn't mind sex and violence they just don't want smelly weebs associated with their userbase
Any original game get sequel? Sick of movie/comic based
i don’t know user, i played yesterday gal gun 2, which is a game about making teenagers very horny
Sure. And instead they want to assosiate with pedo LGBT freaks with games like The Last Of Jews 2.
>indigenous peoples capture animals for film crew
>they kill the animals for their scenes
>indigenous peoples eat them like they were going to anyway
Why are people so fucking buttblasted over this?
Didn't that game come out before Sony's crackdown on Japanese sexiness?
I think the blowback over animal abuse was RELATIVELY minor compared to showing a fictional woman getting a giant spike shoved through her vagoo all the way to her mouth. It's not like it was tentacle hentai or anything like that.
Yeah, I agree that's more shocking as well, but when I saw this announced most people just brought up the animal abuse.
>Actress Francesca Ciardi also objected to the film's sexual content and did not want to bare her breasts during the sex scene between her and Carl Yorke. When she refused to comply with Deodato's direction, he dragged her off the set and screamed at her in Italian. She had earlier suggested that she and Yorke actually have sex in the jungle before filming in order to relieve the tension of the upcoming scene. When Yorke declined, she grew upset with him, alienating him for the rest of the shoot.
It's definitely a change in norms. A vocal minority of people act like fictional violence against women is some kind of overpowering taboo these days, but your example shows that's not always the case.
These films tend to have weird degenerate shit going on in the background. I mean, modern Hollywood films have pedo shit and Sean Penn beating his wife, so I guess this is just a different shade of degeneracy.
Maaan. My eyes just registered "Infamous 80s Cannibal Holocaust" and I got hype as fuck for a second thinking Sucker Punch was bringing back Infamous in a crazy way.
Now I'm just sad.
I'm also surprised how many people are still ass blasted over Hatred coming to the Switch. It's a thoroughly average isometric shooter with an edgy coat of paint.
That excerpt mostly just strikes me as funny given the way the actress responded to being turned down, but yeah, European's fixation on sex is just as odd as the American fixation on violence.
Lesbians are socially accepted. Obese men who masturbate to drawn toddlers aren't.
Tranny titties are fine because they aren't actually titties
As someone who grew up with both the original Postal and the sequel, Hatred was very obviously a tribute (or borderline rip-off) to me since I understood the context behind it. To me, it feels like if people aren't exposed to a wide variety of challenging material while they're still relatively young then anything strange seems completely fucked-up and unacceptable. Vince Desi had a quote like that in the original Postal strategy guide and it still sticks with me to this day.
Tell that to the people who run Tumblr (not the Tumblr community)
Reminder that switch is getting hatred
Why were italian directors so fucking based? Deodato's other movie, Live Like a Cop Die Like a Man, makes Dirty Harry looks like a spineless cuck.
>Violence OK
>Sex bad
I will never forgive Puritan shits for ruining the Western world. You fucking hypocrites just HAD to impose your fucking morality on everyone for all time.
I never played Postal or Hatred so it's for me to comment on either. But I did go through the phase where I watched all of the psuedo snuff films. It's odd to me that something like Hatred causes a commotion while Doom and Mortal Kombat are mainstream.
Their composers are really top notch too. The main theme to Cannibal Holocaust is legitimately beautiful.
>Their composers are really top notch too. The main theme to Cannibal Holocaust is legitimately beautiful.
His work for Africa Addio was even better. Ironically, Deodato made Cannibal Holocaust as a criticism of the questionable legitimacy of Africa Addio, and he hired the same composer.
You're legitimately retarded if you think Puritans would be accepting of the gratuitous violence found in a lot of games/films.
Sony went to far to assume that their userbase are having a normal sex life (or any kind of sex life)
That's because Sony doesn't actually adhere to global standards. Only "American" standards. Which is good because it means I can completely ignore PS5.
Trump wants to ban video game violence. Leftists made Wolfenstein and Mafia III.
the movie's real claim to infamy was the public thought it was a snuff film, the animal scenes help keep its notoriety since the actors weren't killed
cannibal holocaust is weird in that sense in how it comments on the the cannibal/mondo movies "I wonder who the real cannibals are?" yet it checks every box needed to make such a movie
>"m-muh evil censorship-supporting snoy"
Citation needed.
>Leftists made Mafia III
wow fuck leftists, guess I love Trump now.
Because while they were at least eaten and not killed for no reason, it's still real life animals getting killed onscreen. Movies are fantasy, but then you throw something real in there and it's just disturbing.
I fucked your mum for real but pornhub still seemed to like it.
If Marketing tells you about this "controversial" scene....
It wasn't. They literally hired the Journalists to churn-out fake controversy over shit nobody cared about. Worked that way with GTA and Mortal Kombat in their hey-day, and despite the fact it was the same guy complaining over and over and eventually admitted he took bribes.
Not even the modern controversy is real, as the entire point of those opinion pieces is to piss you off and give free clicks from idiots.