ITT: Video game characters that will never appear again

ITT: Video game characters that will never appear again.

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I can't believe Jo'on is dead.

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how to gwt Joon gf

Play eratohoTW.

She deserved it.

Attached: Jo'on fucking dies.webm (800x600, 321.1K)

She appears in doujins sometimes

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Why does she have no vallina

Do tou have any vanilla

She doesn't deserve it

She's a horrible person and will never appear again because she's not a threat anymore
>b-but she reformed!
Exactly so now she's boring and has no purpose so nothing for her but but background cameos and she's competing with how many 2hus for those now?

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Yuuka will appear in the next Phantasmagoria

Are you saying that she reforming in universe is the reason why she only gets abuse shit while the still jerkass shion gets filled with vanilla?

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Then I guess I can concede with some Medicine instead

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rumia is not a real character

Still the character with the cutest ZUN sprites for me.


To specify, I meant portraits, not sprites.

I really like the way ZUN did clothes and hair for 8 and 9, they really stand out to me.

kind of a shame since she was practically the only irredeemably evil/piece of shit in the franchise. I guess Tenshi and Seija kind of count but they are more like brats.

But she got redeemed

Seija is worse because she's the only one of those three who won't reform

Jo'on is ______

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3!(Three!) touhou threads

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How to get Kasen gf

i only count 2

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The other one 404ed just as I posted this
thank god

I can't believe Touhou is kill

It's just lying down

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>irredeemably evil/piece of shit

Most of the 2hus are evil or shitty people. There are very few actual good souls in Gensokyo. You just mean morons who want to overthrow society despite there being a syndicate of incredibly powerful beings backing the establishment. Most of those fools are dead by now.

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Theres probably a graveyard behind Mayohiga filled with the bodies of everyone who opposed the sages.
Remilia came pretty close to being killed by them for her failed invasion, shes lucky the spellcard rules were created around that time or the SDM would just be another ruin.

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That's because it was ZUN's wife who did the art for 9.