Just so we're clear, objectively you didnt enjoy this game like you did 1 and 2...

Just so we're clear, objectively you didnt enjoy this game like you did 1 and 2, I dont doubt that some of you believe you did but you unironically didnt, it isnt a fun game

Attached: 220px-Dark_souls_3_cover_art.jpg (220x263, 21.04K)

Not in the same way but all weapons feel more satisfying to use because of the new animations so I like it a lot.

I never played 2 or 1 but I'm enjoying 3

I wouldn't go so far that I didn't enjoy 3 at all, but it's absolutely the weakest Souls game in the series.

Of course it's not as enjoyable as DaS. It's way more fun than DaS2 though.

OBJECTIVELY ds2 is bad until the dlc's mostly. AND ds1 has a really shit midpoint. DS3 has a REALLY SHIT starting point and does not feel fun until you beat pontiff. Get over tripping over the older games and just accept that this isnt your game.

that's funny, because I enjoyed demon's souls, I enjoyed dark souls 1, I enjoyed bloodborne, I enjoyed dark souls 3, and I enjoyed sekiro.
Objectively, you're wrong

Just so we're clear, objectively you didn't enjoy 1 and 2 like you did this game, I don't doubt that you believe you did but you unironically didn't, they aren't as fun as this game.

Just so we're clear, objectively you're a faggot. I don't doubt that you believe you're not, but you are. You are a faggot.

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Post your playtimes NOW.

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Dark souls 2 is trash

why the fuck did you keep playing up to pontiff if you weren't having fun

How do I check on Xbox? I don’t play games on my computer. It’s for business.

I did enjoy 3 more than 2. I enjoyed 3 period. 2 is the only FromSoft game of the last 11 years that I wouldn't want to play again. It's muddy, ugly, and creatively bankrupt.

you should of questioned why I played almost all of base ds2 if i wasnt having fun until the dlc. I am just a very tolerant gamer with usually nothing to play, slogging through these games cost me nothing but my time so I just do it for the sake of getting it over with.

3 was superb though, go fuck yourself. I enjoyed all of them immensely. I have no idea whats up this 3 hate. I'm sure some "influencer" faggot made a video or something.

Jesus christ, post ages/weight

>I have no idea whats up this 3 hate

I probably would have considerable more hours in the other games if pvp wasn't so damn dead. Pvp in 1 never worked for me for some reason and I never encountered another invader or another summon, 2 is just soul memory shitfest so I only ever got to play with someone once and that was by chance.

Attached: darksoulsplaytimes123.jpg (1037x292, 40.41K)

>I enjoyed all of them immensely.
based and soulspilled.

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Sekiro > Bloodborne > 1/3 > Demon's >>> 2

If going by replayability, switch Sekiro and Bloodborne.

All this says is you arent really a souls fan, bloodborne is nothing to do with souls games and 3 is BBs retarded offspring

Ds2 is the most souls game

This and bloodborne are Souls for the zoomer Fortnite underages who GOTTA GO FAST

>Ds2 is the most souls game
you aren't really a souls fan.

Still waiting for DS2 niggers to post their playtimes.


>Ds2 is the most souls game
2 is the least souls-like of the series, retard.
It's an aborted RPG.

Why do trannies hate DS3 bros

I had some fun with it, while still recognizing it's not that good compared to the rest.

I've been playing since Demon's Souls, nigger.
>Ds2 is the most souls game
Its godawful level design alone makes it the worst game.

Ds2 was crap but 3 just really let me down and it's the last one so it's got that extra sting to it

Because they have nothing better to do, just whiny faggots.

I enjoyed all of them desu

DS1 is perfect template
DS2 added some good features but made some very strange decisions
DS3 works well enough but straight copies DS1's aesthetic

OP here, it seems some of you dont understand what objectively means

I DO NOT DOUBT YOU THINK YOU LIKED IT (do you comprehend?)


you're trying too hard


2 is the LEAST souls like, the exploration sucks ass, nobody cares about the story, and it's still $40 for some reason.

>Most souls game

The only thing I like about dark souls is the invasion mechanic and while the system in DS3 heavily favors the host, the map design is much better for it and it genuinely feels like the most enjoyable way to play the game is to constantly use the branch (or whatever makes it easier for people to invade you)

You do have the silver mask in your outfit right user?

Attached: Silver_Mask.png (360x450, 106.66K)

no, but the crescent moon sword is one of my favorite weapons for dex/int builds