Any oldfags, neets or otaku want to talk about video games?
Any oldfags, neets or otaku want to talk about video games?
Video games... I miss video games
TFW redfaction 2 wont ever be made again T^T
blog thread?
Playing some Nioh 1 While I wait for the PC port of 2
not with a phoneposting annie may faglord, no
been playing demon souls, good game.
thread 404d before i could save the tifa pictures
Im currently making a R18 model and giving it the Ace Combat 7 Spider skin. Its been a lot of fun.
Cool, I've been wanting to try that.
Supposedly it runs perfectly now.
Yeah Demon Souls was pretty neat except for the world color system or whatever.
Your options were play offline and go black if you die a bunch or play online and have it fixed to pure white no matter what.
F18, fuck fat fingers
How many times are you gonna make this shit thread you dumb faggot?
I don't know about perfectly but it works pretty great, there's a few fps drops on some heavy areas but overall you should be able to get 60 fps (with the patch).
yeah, that has been bothering me, I've barely find NPCs because I only have Pure white tendency in just two worlds.
at least he's somewhat attempting to talk about video games even if it turns into a blog thread.
>I only have Pure white tendency in just two worlds
I remember the way that people would change it to black was just throwing themselfs off a cliff in the nexus a whole bunch.
As many times as I feel like you try hard cucklet
That's the point, most of my worlds are neutral, I get killed a lot so my worlds tend to either neutral o black, and npcs don't spawn, and if they do they're aggressive.
Oh right, I thought you said you had too many on pure white.
Do you guys like elona+? What are other cool RNG rpgs?
I'm 30 and I for the most part hate video games now. Game Pass really highlighted this for me as I downloaded dozens of games, would play them for an hour or so, and be so bored of the gameplay, the story, and the art so quickly.
The only game I've beaten in the last year is Disco Elysium. It was really good. I really ought to play through it a second time just to see how much is actually branching or if it is as linear as it seemed for me.
As for stuff that's coming out, I don't know. It'd be nice if Halo Infinite would be good, but I've always had a soft spot for it since it was my favourite game in middle school. I'm curious to see what the next big fad will be. It just sucks because AAA games used to take risks. Sure there were safe bets, but there was so much wacky stuff out there. I'm fine with one part of a game being conventional if the rest can shine, but everything that comes out is just the safest bet possible.
I'm none of these things but will come here anyway.
Rune Factory is very similiar to Elona for me but it's not exactly RNG generated worlds.
I just found what i like and try to stick to it. You cant play all the games in 100 lifetimes
But you can really enjoy the few you find enjoyable.
what’s her endgame?
We got a whole fucking army you cum snorting fag straw. Stay tuned.
We welcome all
How is Elona+ rng? Maybe during act 1 it is kind of. Granted I haven't played since Ano added his piss fetish into the game so my memory is foggy. Does /jp/ still have that one crazy guy that has legit gorillions of hours into the damn thing?
Not exactly
I’ve been really into the meet n’ fuck series on Newgrounds. Fun puzzles that can keep my cock rock hard from start to finish.
I injured my arm, so playing games has been difficult to say the least. Before that I was playing Gargoyle's Quest and wondering what a modern sequel would be like.
I don't think he posts much anymore but he made a series on youtube, I believe.