Two more days

>two more days
What could possibly go wrong?

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That game is still going?

Of all the insults this industry does to me every single day, F76 still featuring a highly active playerbase is the worst one yet.

>What could possibly go wrong?
What couldn't possibly go wrong?

Consoomers will buy anything branded by Bethesda.
They could take a shit into a carboard box and people would be lining up to buy it in droves. I have no idea why Bethesda is so well regarded because their reputation is not warranted at all.

What's this? An expansion to 76, an update?
What's it about?

it's almost like it's a good game that got shit on for artificial reasons and people that actually try it end up sticking around.... huh...

Kys shill

fuck jimquisition faggots and all of the like who swarm on games that they haven't played

Were you one of the faggots lining up pretending to be an NPC?

No one could be this much of a contrarian.

no I'm one of the faggots who played this game and liked it, but agree that it has its flaws, however I'm not one of the faggots who didn't even bother to try it and act like they're the authority on what's good because they got some opinions drip fed to them from a bunch of youtubers

they flub one line in the AI code and accidentally achieve sentience, and upon seeing the godawful game its trapped in said AI will proceed to go full AM on humanity and wipe out all life

> a highly active playerbase

Is it really? I dropped the game after playing for a month after launch (partly to keep track of the shitstorm, partly because I'm a brainlet Fallout fan). Tried it again last month and had to quit since barely anyone was showing up to public events. Made everything feel like a shitty grind unless you follow an annoyingly specific path through the game world that still feels slow and plodding.

Challenge accepted

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what could you possibly enjoy about the game at this point?
i dropped off after that dumb mask festival because endgame content fucking sucked and i had done every quest at least once, whats actually keeping you playing?
you can like whatever you want but i'm genuinely curious as to what it is you actually like

>What could possibly go wrong?

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I just started playing and I don't want to go back to WoW or FFXIV.

I can already smell Yongyea from here.

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Sometimes he's right

id bet anything it has fewer people playing it than fallout 4 at any given time

WTF is that about?

What hasn’t gone wrong for fallout 76?

>*YongYea's audience gasps and leans forward*
>"... is bad"
>*audience cheers wildly and screems, clapping repeatedly*

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That faggot could tell me the sky is blue and I would disagree because of how much contempt I have for him

In all fairness, there's no way to know for sure since Bethesda sure isn't going to tell us how many people are playing (unless they fudge the numbers somehow), but I still saw players of wildly different levels being spawned into the same map. How the fuck are they supposed to cooperate on anything but the most boring entry-level shit if I can't find another player in my level bracket who wants to team up?

I'm assuming you hate the guy because he panders to a certain type of crowd, mostly just restates articles written by other people, and is clickbait-y. I won't disagree with you if that's how you see him. I probably feel the same way about channels/websites that you like. Some of his videos can still be pretty helpful summaries of something going on in the industry.

>Be Quartering
>Call out them removing gender
>Basedboys from Yongyea, Jim Sterling, etc all flock to his channel to scream

Anything else you'd like to say about how much you love Quartering and see him as a misunderstood martyr?

there's supposed to be a parity function when you party up with people now, like division 2 if you played that

the radio selection isn't too shabby, some of its from the other games but still

They didn't even have a DJ, last time I checked. Honestly, I don't know why they didn't make a station with all those audio plays instead of scattering them as collectibles all over the world. The recycled music annoys the fuck out of me because it makes the entire game feel rushed and cheap (which it was/is).

Do I have to party up with someone in the first place? The lack of text chat means that it's a pain in the ass to tell what the other guy wants to do or if we'd even be a good fit in terms of play style (completionist, rush the area, ignore world events, etc). Even if both of us have mics, the other guy could have really bad audio quality or an accent. This is why text chat is so important for public coop games since you never know who you're going to end up with.

>Some of his videos can still be pretty helpful summaries of something going on in the industry.
>Doesn't talk about the SJW crap also plaguing the industry
>Call out censorship of MK11
>Everyone on Yongyea's channel calls you an incel